Trojan War By Matthew Kadel

  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to

    Helen is courted by suitors from all over Greece

    Her father Tyndareus, wary of angering the other suitors, enlists Odysseus (who
    was one of the suitors but didn’t think he’d win) to help to solve the problem.
     In exchange for Penelope’s hand in marriage, Odysseus convinces the
    suitors to swear an oath of loyalty to whoever is chosen to marry Helen
  • Period: Jan 2, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000

    The Judgment of Paris: Paris is forced to choose the most beautiful Goddess betweenHera, Athena, and Aphrodite

    He chooses Aphrodite because she promises him the most beautiful woman in the
    world (Helen) as his bride
  • Period: Jan 5, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000

    Menelaus invokes the Oath of Tyndareus to bring Helen back to Greece. He raisesthousands of ships and all of the Greek kings to his aid

    Odysseus initially pretends he’s insane by sowing salt on his fields in order to
    avoid going. However, he is discovered when the messenger places his son
    directly in front of his plow
  • Period: Jan 9, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000

    The fleet is assembled, but they cannot move forward due to a strong wind

    The Greeks discover that Artemis is causing the wind to blow and that she’s
    upset. The only way to appease her is to sacrifice a royal maiden
  • Period: Jan 13, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000

    Thetis, also upset, tries to convince Zeus to take sides against the Greeks

    God takes his side
  • Period: Jan 16, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000

    Menelaus fights against Paris to determine whether Helen should return to Greece

    Menelaus is victorious, but Aphrodite rescues Paris and spirits him away
  • Period: Jan 18, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000

    The battle continues

    Diomedes injures Aeneas, Aphrodite, and Ares with Athena’s help
  • Period: Jan 18, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000

    Odysseus’ Journey Home (The Odyssey)

    The Odyssey begins in medias res 10 years after the Fall of Troy and 20 years after the
    Greeks first set sail for Troy