Transformations Around the Globe Timeline

By djones1
  • Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interests in Americas

    Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interests in Americas
    In 1823, James Monroe wrote the Monroe Doctraine which told Europeans that they hand to stop exploring the Americas and stop colonizing in their lands. Monroe used lines such as "Not in our backyard."
  • China and Britain clash in the Opium War

    China and Britain clash in the Opium War
    IN 1839, a war broke out between the British and the Chinese. After years of Britain smuggling opium into China, the Emperor decided to draw the line and attack the British at sea. A Britain was much more advanced and moderized
  • Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor

    Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor
    In 1853, Perry decides to invade Japan. He doesn't even fire a cannon befor the Japanese surrender. After this, the Japanese are given a certain amount of time to listen or be counqoured. the Japanese decide to moderize in one of the fastest moderizations in the world.
  • US wins Spanish American War

    US wins Spanish American War
    In 1898, The Americans go to war with the Spanish. The US wins and take many Spanish colonies such as Cuba,the philipenes and Puerto Rico.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    Mexican Revolution Begins
    In 1910, Diaz refused to let up in his cuadillo position in Mexico and the people grew very angry. By electing the president Fransisco Madero. They eventually brought down Diaz and Mexico started a long line of short term leaders.
  • The Panama Canal opens

    The Panama Canal opens
    In 1914, the Panama canal is finally opened with funds by the US. After its completion, the US is granted free use through the canal for 99 years due to their large help and efforts.This canal is important because it was the first way to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific without having to go all the way around South America.