Transformations Around the Globe

  • Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interests to Americas

    Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interests to Americas
    The Monroe Doctrine stated that US colonies and South and Latin America would not be colonized without US intervention. They were sending a warning to European powers, showing that they were ready to become a global power.
  • China and Britain clash to the Opium War

    China and Britain clash to the Opium War
    Britain began to smuggle opium into China. They realized that the Chinese would get hooked on it, and that they could make a lot of money. The Chinese government was not in support of the British's economic ideas, and then the Opium War began.
  • Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor

    Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor
    Commodore Perry entered Tokyo Harbor to open up trading opportunites for the US with Japan. He came in with steam ships, and when he did the Japanese were shocked by the invention, and agreed to the US Treaty of Kanagawa, which opened trade.
  • US wins Spanish American War

    US wins Spanish American War
    The US watched the Spanish narrowly defeat Cuba in Cuba's fight for independence, and saw that Spain was vulnerable. The US got their people fired up with yellow journalism, and started a war just like they wanted, and won, gaining Cuba, Philippines, and Guam.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    Mexican Revolution Begins
    The Mexican Revolution began with Porfirio Diaz as president. He saw that Madero was gonna beat him in the upcoming election, and exiled him, starting the Mexican revolution. The revolution will be messy, and will involve conservatives and liberals.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    The Panama Canal was originally attempted to be built by the French, but they were unsuccessful. Panama was under control of Colombia, but wanted independence. The US helped them gain independence, and were granted ten miles to build the canal, and they did it.