Transformations around the globe

By niken1
  • Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interest in Americas

    Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interest in Americas
    The Monroe Doctrine, created by President James Monroe, stated that the Americas are not to be considered for colonization by European powers or else the US would step in
  • China and Britain clash in the Opium War

    China and Britain clash in the Opium War
    The Opium War was fought at sea. The British steam powered ships led the British to a devastating victory over China
  • Commodore Perry enters Tokyo harbor

    Commodore Perry enters Tokyo harbor
    Commodore Mathew Perry was sent to Tokyo by President Fillmore to give the japanese a letter telling them to open trade with the US or else they would return in a year and kill them. They Japanese agreed to their letter and opened 2 new ports for the US
  • US wins Spanish American war

    US wins Spanish American war
    The Spanish American war was very short. The U.S. attacked the Philippine Islands. This took the Spanish by surprise. This war gave the US guam, puerto rico, and the phillipines.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    Mexican Revolution Begins
    The revoloution erupted because Francisco Madero had been arrested by Diaz. People were angry that Madero had been arrested. Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata were two of the main caudillos to start the revolution. Pancho Villa was a thug that killed a lot of people.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    The Panama Canal opened in 1914, The U.S. helped Panama win its freedom from Columbia. Panama becomes independent and they allow the U.S to build a canal and use it for 99 years.