To kill a mockingbird

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

  • The beginning of the Great Depression

    Scout describes her family as being well-off compared to others, considering her father is a lawyer. The people who weren't as "well-off" were going through the great depression. Video about the Great Depression
  • Lynchings of the 30's

    The book mentions people gathered to watch the lynching of the man who was accused of raping a white woman. During the 1930's people really did gather around to watch black men who were believed to be a criminal be lynched. It was even considered entertainment to some.
  • Unfair Juries

    In the book the black man who was accused of raping the white woman was innocent in the readers point of view. However, the trial was held in a courtroom with an all-white jury. The jury was biased. This happed numerous times in the 30's. For example, the Emmet Till Trial. The jury favored the white person invloved. Image of a Jury in the 1940's
  • Unfair Justice System

    In the book the man was accused of raping a white woman, which is why he was arrested. In that time period, it seemed like a trend that black men were accused of harrassing white women in some way.
  • Sexism in the 40's

    Scout noticed that women were not respected nearly as much as men. People repeadeldy used "being a girl" as an insult in the book. In the 1940's, women had more rights than they did a decade ago. However, their place in society hadn't. Women were not nearly respected as much as men were. Men were superior. Men were still considered the head of the household. Eployment wise, women could recieve a better pay. However, their pay was not as high as a man's, of course.
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  • Historical Background

    To Kill a Mockingbird took place in the late 1930's into the 1940's. During a part of the 1930's, under president Hoover, there was the Great Depression. Many people were unemployed and the economy was at an all time low. After Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt became the President. World War 2 began in the early 40's. Also, during both the 30's and 40's, the south had extreme racial controversy. There were Jim Crow laws in the South which prohibited colored people of doing many things. For
  • Book Summary

    "To Kill a Mockingbird" is about a girl named Scout who is growing up in southern America during the 1930's and 1940's. She lives with her brother, Jem, and her father Atticus. Throughout the book the two children are exposed to the racial tension in the south, especially when their father is the attorney for a black man accused for raping a white woman. When the man is arrested due to the jury being all white, the racial tension increases. Throughout the book you realize that Scout
  • Conclusion

    "To Kill a Mockingbird" includes a lot of historical references. After doing research, almost all of the references were historically correct. This book mostly focused on depiciting the relations betweet colored and white people in the South during the 1930's and 1940's. However, it also included many other cultural relations. Therefore, this book is a good read for someone looking for a historically accurate book.