
Titanic Adam R.

  • Titanic was cast away

    The journey started from Liverpool UK and was intended to make it to New york City
  • Period: to


    titanic sinks
  • In midst of journey there is a detour

    The crew members of the ship are issued a warning of an iceberg.
  • Ice Berg ahead.

    The iced berg warning that was issued was ture. They spotted the Icberg.
  • Colision avoided?

    They avoided the head-on collision. But they didn"t avoid the side collison.
  • Around 12 am ship stoped.

    Ship stopped after impact
  • Ship started filling with water.

    After side collision water started filling the ship. When they built the shp they didn't that it would get hit in the side. So they didn't make the sides water tight.
  • Get ready to panic

    everyone starts scrambiling and begin to panic. Although some still thought the ship was unsinkable.
  • What good people

    What good people
    The band memebers knew they were going to die. So they went up each floor to comfort the people who were about to die.
  • Help please

    They knew the ship was going to sink so the crew issued CQD and SOS warnings
  • The Crew deploys lifeboats for first class

    The first class was so greedy that they made the crew deploy the lifeboats half full.
  • After most of the first class was gone they started deploying others

    The other classes werent so greedy they crowded each boat to the max. some people had to stand up on the boats.
  • There were not even close to enough life boats

    There were not enough life boats so people were jumping off the sides hoping someone would pick them up.
  • meanwhile like I said before people dont think the ship will sink

    People refused to tell themselves the ship will sink. Those poeple ended up dying
  • The ship came closer and closer to going under

    The ship approached the end of its life. Sinking in multiple parts.
  • The ship went under

    The ship went under
    After hitting the iceberg it finally went down under after a 2hr and 40 min fight