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Timeline of Columbus’s actions and their effects

  • Oct 11, 1492

    Columbus arrives to NorthAmerica

    Columbus arrives to NorthAmerica
    Columbus arrives to the new world in search for gold and found foreign people in a foreign land that are easily surprised due to European technology. The natives give these “men from heaven gifts and the natives are taken advantage of.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus arrives at Hispaniola

    Columbus arrives at Hispaniola
    Columbus arrived at Hispaniola And takes a golden mask presented to him by a chief as proof that there’s gold and wealth in the New World. This may seem small but Columbus’s exaggerate reports of gold fields leads to a second expedition when 17 ships and over 1200 men join Columbus‘s crusade
  • 1495

    The beginning of the slave raid

    The beginning of the slave raid
    When does 17 ships and 1200 men arrived at Hispaniola to discover that there was no more gold they switched our focus to slavery. They went island to island collecting roughly 500 natives and ship them off to Europe, 200 died en route.
  • 1518


    Smallpox was one of the many things brought to the new world, notably along with horses, pigs, and guns. Smallpox did most of the killing of Native Americans as the smallpox epidemic in the New World killed nearly 90% of the original population of America
  • 1521

    The fall of an empire

    The fall of an empire
    Since Christopher Columbus sent exaggerated Report back to Europe describing field of gold and such, Spain will send their conquistadors and most notably Hernan Cortes would lead to the downfall of the Aztec empire.
  • The fall of the Arawak

    The fall of the Arawak
    The Arawak people are the main victims of the slave trade to Europe, by 1650 none of the original Arawak people or their descendants inhabitant the island. It took 135 years to kill off the Arawak.