Timeline of what made Iran's government what it is now

By alexc7
  • Revolution in Persia

    Government is overthrown, and new Shah Reza Khan launches campaign to modernize country. He hopes to establish national npublic education system, improve healthcare, and build national railroad.
  • Renaming the country

    The country is officially renamed Iran. Khan's dictatorial approach is causing resentment in the country's people.
  • Iran refuses to expel Germans from the country

    Although Iran said it was neutral during WWII, its British-controlled oil interests are maintained by German workers. When asked by Britian to expel German citizens, Khan refused. Following British and Soviet occupation of western Iran, he is forced out of power. His son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, succeeded him on the throne.
  • New Prime Minister

    Ali Razmara becomes prime minister and is killed in less than nine months after. The nationalist, Mohammad Mossadeq, becomes the prime pinister after him.
  • Shah flees country

    Britian places an embargo and a blockade on Iran, stopping most trading and badly hurting their economy. A power struggle between Mohammed Mossadeq - the prime minister - and Mohammed Reza - the Shah - results in the Shah fleeing the country in 1953.
  • Mossadeq overthrown

    Mossadeq is overthrown by a coup planned by British and American intelligence services. Fazlollah Zahedi becomes the new prime minister, and the Shah returns to the country.
  • White Revolution

    The Shah starts a campaign to modernize the country again. He launches the "White Revolution", a program of land reform and overall modernization and westernization. He increasingly starts to rely on the secret police (SAVAK) in controlling the opposition.
  • Shah losing grip on country

    The Shah's policies lead to riots, strikes and mass demonstrations. Martial law is imposed.
  • Shah exiled

    After the Shah's decreasing popularity, he and his family are exiled from the country.
  • New Islamic Republic

    The Islamic Republic of Iran is proclaimed following a referendum.
  • First president

    Abolhasan Bani-Sadr is elected the first President of the Islamic Republic. The government begins to work on a major nationalization program.
  • Start of Iraq-Iran War

    Start of Iraq-Iran War that last eight years.
  • End of Iraq-Iran War

    Iran accepts a cease-fire agreement from Iraq.
  • US President George Bush accuses Iran, Iraq, and North Korea of being an "axis of evil"

    US President George Bush describes Iraq, Iran and North Korea as an "axis of evil", warning of the long-range missiles that might be developing in these countries. The speech causes outrage in all three countries.
  • Iran claims to have quit its nuclear activities

    Iran says it is stopping its uranium programs and will allow UN inspections of its nuclear facilities. UN concludes there is no evidence of a weapons program.
  • Iran resumes nuclear activities

    Iran' government says it has started nuclear activities again and says the program is for peaceful purposes. UN finds Iran in violation of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
  • Iran's president claims to be able to produce nuclear energy

    Iran's president announces that they are able to produce enery on an industrial scale using nuclear power.
  • UN says that Iran could be a potential threat

    The UN declares that Iran could develop nuclear weapons within 3 to 8 years if it chooses to, making it a potential threat that could be a huge danger to many countries.
  • It still continues...

    Up to this very day, Iran is still untrusted and worried of, and even as people cross their fingers and hope that it won't happen, Iran might be developing weapons of mass destruction.