Timeline of the history of the music

  • 476

    Beginning of the Middle Age

    Beginning of the Middle Age
    The Middle Age starts with the fall of the Occidental Roman Empire
  • 711

    The Guadeloupe Battle

    The Guadeloupe Battle
    There was a battle between the visigoths and the muslims. The visigoths lost the war because of the betrayal of some near nobles of the king of that time, Rodrigo.
  • Period: 800 to 814

    The reign of Charlemagne

    Charlemagne was crown on the 800 d.c, his reign last 14 years. It came to an end when he was killed in a battle on the 814 d.c
  • Period: 992 to 1050

    The first written sheet music

    During this period it was wrote the first written sheet music in the world.
  • 1000

    The origin of the minstrels

    The origin of the minstrels
    The minstrel appeared to entertain the high class people of the Middle Age with their music and jokes.
  • Period: 1073 to 1085

    The Gregorian Reform

    The pope wanted to do a renovation to the church and an affirmation of the authority of the Romans
  • 1400

    The begging of the Renaissance in Italy

    The begging of the Renaissance in Italy
    The Renaissance began in Italy during the 15th century. The Renaissance is a new inspiration for artists such as musicians.
  • 1440

    The invention of the printer

    The invention of the printer
    The first printer was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, in Germany. The first book to be printed was the bible.
  • 1453

    The fall of the Eastern Roman Empire

    The fall of the Eastern Roman Empire
    The fall of the Eastern Roman empire happen when the turks invaded Constantinople. Besides, the Renaissance started at this time.
  • 1492

    Ending of the Middle age

    Ending of the Middle age
    The Middle Age ended when Cristobal Columbus discovered America in 1492
  • 1503

    The Monalisa's painting

    The Monalisa's painting
    Leonardo da Vinci was a famous artist and scientific person from the Renaissance. His most famous work was the Monalisa.
  • Period: 1508 to 1512

    The paintings from the Sixtina chapel

    Miguel Angel was the one who painted this capel with his beautiful art. He painted this chapel for 4 years until it was finish.
  • 1530

    The coronation of Carlos V

    The coronation of Carlos V
    Carlos V was known as the emperor of the sacric german empire. His coronation had a huge impact between his people.
  • Period: 1567 to

    Monteverdi's life

    Monteverdi was a famous composer from the Renaissance. He was a singer and a composer as well as a priest. He was Italian.
  • The begging of the Baroque

    The begging of the Baroque
    This is a movement which represented pessimistic ideas. It started in the XVII century, but studies show it is a different date depending on the place, this one is an approximation.
  • The first presentation of Orfeo's tales

    The first presentation of Orfeo's tales
    This is a song from Monteverdi. He composed this song because he felt really sad when he lost his wife. In this work he express his pain and sadness.
  • Period: to

    The war of the 30 years

    This was a epic war where many potential european countries. This was started for religious reasons. However in the end it was all more political than anything.
  • Carlos's I execution

    Carlos's I execution
    Carlos I of England was executed for being a traitor to the nation. His execution was public.
  • Las meninas

    Las meninas
    'Las meninas' is a painting from Diego Velázquez, a famous painter during the baroque, and this picture is his most famous work of art.
  • Period: to

    The Versailles palace construction

    This palace located in Paris, France, was built to offer the king a place to sleep when he was hunting. with the years is has turned up to be one historical building.
  • Period: to

    Vivaldi's life

    Antonio Vivaldi was a famous italian baroque composer, teacher and priest. He composed more than 700 compositions. His best compositions is the four seasons.
  • The four seasons

    The four seasons
    This work is from Antonio Vivaldi, it represents how does the seasons pass with music.
  • Beginning of the classical period

    Beginning of the classical period
    The classical period is a movement that encourage society to return to the filosofic and esthetic values from old Rome and Greece.
  • The end of the Baroque

    The end of the Baroque
    The end of the Baroque took place with the death of Johann Sebastian Bach.
  • Period: to

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Mozart was a austrian composer, pianist, master of the classical, etc. He is currently consider one of the biggest influences in music. During his life he has composed many recognised works such as the magic flute.
  • Period: to

    United states independence war

    United states declared the american territory for its own, so they fought and won the england empire who was in charge of the country.
  • Period: to

    French revolution

    This was an internal war that took place because of various disagreements by low social people.
  • The opening of the Louvre museum

    The opening of the Louvre museum
    The Louvre museum is now a famous and important building in France which was originally created in the classical period which opened its door with 537 works of art.
  • Period: to

    Hephaestus, Bia and Crato Securing Prometheus on Mount Caucasus

    This was a picture from Johann Heinrich Füssli. This work represents a Greek mythology were Prometheus has a public punishment were everyone could see his suffer.
  • Period: to

    Eugène Delacroix

    This was a really important romantic french painter. His works has influenced many future generations of the neoclassicism. One of his best works is 'The liberty guiding the village'.
  • Moonlight sonata

    Moonlight sonata
    This sonata is the nº14 from the ones Ludwig van Beethoven has composed. It was written in the 1801 and published the next year. Besides, this is one of the most famous works from Beethoven.
  • The invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte to Spain

    The invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte to Spain
    Napoleón Bonaparte invaded Spain by a lie, because initially spain and france were allies but france destroyed the contract.
  • Period: to

    Felix Mendelssohn

    Felix Mendelssohn was a famous german musician. During his life he has been a director orchestra, a composer and pianist of the Romantic period.
  • End of the Classical period

    End of the Classical period
    The classical period ended with Beethoven's death, which marked a new era that he started
  • Beginning of the Romantic period

    Beginning of the Romantic period
    Romanticism, attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.
  • A dream of a summer night

    A dream of a summer night
    'A dream of a summer night' is a work made by Felix Mendelssohn. This composition is based in a play written by Shakespeare. Felix has composed this song in many moments of his life, but he published it in 1826
  • Death of Napoleon Bonaparte

    Death of Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon Bonaparte was the second president of the french republic. He won many wars during his life, making France one of the most important countries.
  • Westminster palace opening

    Westminster palace opening
    This building is located in London. Nowadays is used for important events and for political decisions.
  • Period: to

    Pablo Piccaso

    Pablo Ruiz Picasso (Málaga, October 25, 1881-Mougins, April 8, 1973) was a Spanish painter and sculptor, creator, along with Georges Braque, of Cubism.
  • The beginning of the 20th century music

    The beginning of the 20th century music
    20th century classical music was extremely diverse. It began with the continuation of the movements in force at the end of the 19th century, such as the late romantic and post-romantic style.
  • Period: to

    John Cage

    John Cage was an American composer, music theorist, artist, and philosopher. A pioneer of random music, electronic music, and the non-standard use of musical instruments, Cage was one of the leading figures of the postwar avant garde.
  • Period: to

    First worldwide war

    This is the first war in which many countries were involved. It started with a crime where a minister was murdered.
  • End of the Romantic period

    End of the Romantic period
    The romantic period finished when some countries started to be interested in other issues.
  • Guernica's painting

    Guernica's painting
    Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso, painted in Paris between the months of May and June 1937, whose title refers to the bombing of Guernica, which occurred on April 26 of that year, during the Spanish Civil War.
  • Period: to

    Second world war

    The Second World War was a global military conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945. Most of the nations of the world were involved in it - including all the great nations.
  • Creation of electronic music

    Creation of electronic music
    Music produced solely from electronic generators was first produced in Germany in 1953. Electronic music was also created in Japan and the United States beginning in the 1950s and Algorithmic composition with computers was first demonstrated in the same decade.
  • 1976 coup in Argentina

    1976 coup in Argentina
    On March 24, 1976, the commanders of the three arms, Jorge Rafael Videla, Emilio Massera and Orlando Agosti (Military Junta), overthrew the constitutional government of María Estela Martínez de Perón at dawn.
  • End of the 20th century music

    End of the 20th century music