
By ColePre
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Oct 17, 1300

    Renaissance begins

    Renaissance begins in Florence, Italy due to large economic growth that came from banking. With the Renaissance comes the idea that people are living in a new golden age
  • Aug 10, 1325

    Secularism appears

  • May 24, 1363

    Individualism appears

    Individualism, or the idea that every person is unique in capabilities and talens, first made an appearence in the Renaissance. Notable individuals include; Leon Battista Alberti and Benventuo Cellini
  • Oct 25, 1412

    Art becomes higher quality

    Art begins to break away from goth and focus more heavily on spatialness, or making it look more real.
  • May 13, 1455

    Printed press invented

    This allowed for the use of propoganda, unifying a country's national pride, and for improving literacy.
  • Sep 21, 1455

    Humanism appears

    Starting with Pope Nicholas V, all documents that could be found relating to Rome's history were collected and stored in a libarary he built. This profound curiosity in Latin classics became known as humanism
  • Dec 27, 1476

    Northern reniassance begins

    People from England, Gremany and France flocked to Italy, where the ideas of the renissance were carried back to their home countries, although slightly modified to become more religious.
  • Jan 1, 1483

    French invasion of Italy

    The French attempted to invade Italy, which brought the Italian city states together to repel the invasion.
  • Sep 21, 1496

    Centrilization of power

    England, France, and Spain start to unify their power under each of their own king. This allows them to become stronger as a country
  • Period: to
