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Time Period of Namibia colonization

By pserim
  • Namibia colonization

    Namibia colonization
    Namibian people defended by Germany. Germans started to colonized Namibia. Namibian had a hard life to live under Germany's rules.
  • What happened?

    What happened?
    Finally, Namibian people started to rebel and Herero and Namaqua was the first rebellion and genocide. They used many equipments to rebel and fought against Germany. Many people died and lost their lives and their hope.
  • Rebellion

    Herero and Namaqua finished and the results of great rebellion was frightful. Namibian people and Germans died. And many young children lost their parents.
  • German colonization

    German colonization
    Germany's South West Africa surrendered to Gen in July. It was the beginning of the occupation of Germany that Germany wanted to capture Namibia.
  • Germany's colonization

    Germany's colonization
    Namibian people kept trying to get back their natural resources and cattle which took by Germany. Namibian people complained with everything when they colonized by Germany.
  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
    Namibia gain independence from Germany's colonization. They were free and got back their unalienable rights.