Theodore roosevelt quote

Theodore Roosevelt Timeline

  • Theodore was born

    Theodore was born
    he was born in manhattan
  • returns from spanish american war

    returns from spanish american war
    Miliary server known as the "rough rider"
  • Named President, Mckinnley dies

    Named President, Mckinnley dies
    Mckinneley dies september 6th 1902
  • Energy crisis

    Energy crisis
    The coal stike of 1902
  • Bear club nicknamed "teddy"

    Bear club nicknamed "teddy"
    Roosevelt caught a bear while he went on a hunting trip. Later they made it a cartoon.
  • Elkins act

    Elkins act
    A piece pf legislation that was chapioned by the Pennslyvania railroad to end the practice of debates
  • pelican island

    pelican island
    United states national pelican refuge
  • First full term

    First full term
    victory for his re election
  • Passage of Pure food act and drug act

    Passage of Pure food act and drug act
    Act to prevent people maufactroing bad food
  • Devil's Tower

    Devil's Tower
    The Devil's Tower monument is located in Crook County Wyoming. It's a large geological deposit of igneous rock.
  • Visit Africa and leaves presidency

    Visit Africa and leaves presidency
    Took time off from being president to visit Africa and to go hunting
  • Runs for presidency

    Runs for presidency