Theodore Roosevelt

  • Theodore Roosevelt was born

    Theodore Roosevelt was born
    Born in Manhattan, New York City, NY
  • Named President after McKinley was assassinated

    Named President after McKinley was assassinated
    Theodore Roosevelt was a governor before he was president
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    In 1902, there a coal miner strike which caused an energy crisis. Courts heard the testimony of many of the miners.
  • Elkins Act passed

    Elkins Act passed
    Made to end the practice of rebates in the railway system
  • Pelican Island is named the first wildlife refuge

    Pelican Island is named the first wildlife refuge
    With the encouragement of Frank Chapman and the Florida Audobon Society, Theodore Roosevelt named Pelican Island, Florida the first bird refuge
  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Yosemite under Federal Control
    Yosemite is a National Park
  • Wins full election

    Wins full election
    Theodore roosevelt wins his first full election for the presidency
  • Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act
    Pure Food and Drug Act said that any food or drug that is mishandled, poisoned, or deleterious is prohibited from being sold.
  • Devil's tower named first national monument

    Devil's tower named first national monument
    The Devil's Tower in Wyoming becomes the United States' first national monument
  • Leaves presidency

    Leaves presidency
    Theodore Leaves Presidency in 1909
  • Visits Africa

    Visits Africa
    Teddy Roosevelt goes on a safari to hunt wild animals for "scientific research
  • Ran for presidency, unsuccessfully with bull moose party

    Ran for presidency, unsuccessfully with bull moose party
    Election of 1912 with a third party