the world and mankind creation greek

  • the begining of everything

    Ages before the gods, there was Chaos. Chaos was a formless confusion, in the darkness.
  • children of Chaos

    No one ever tried to explain how the two children of Chaos were born, Night and Erebus. Erebus being the unfathomable depth where death dwells. The universe was all black, empty, silent and endless
  • something new

    Love. Love was a wind-born egg laid in the bosom of Erebus. When Love was born, with its order and beauty started to banish blind confusion. Love then created Light and Day.
  • Earth

    No one tried to explain the crreation of Earth as well. It seemed natural to them after Light was created. Earth was the solid ground and Heaven was the blue and acted in some ways like the human being would.
  • First Creatures

    The first creatures who had the looks of life were the children of Mother Earth (Gaea) and Father Heaven (Ouranos). The Childrens were monsters.
  • not noraml

    The children didnt look normal, they had a hundred hands and fifty heads. Heaven was a very poor father, he imprisoined them in a secret place inside the earth. Mother Earth was mad, she wanted her children to be free. Only one of them was bold enough to help her. When Heavens blood spilt, the giants and Erinyes were born.
  • overthrown

    Heaven was killed and Cronus became the most powerful. Cronus then learned that one of his sons will overthrow him as he did his father. Rhea hid her sixth child, Zeus, and he was raised well.
  • war at hand

    There was a terrible war between Cronus and Zeus. The war almost wrecked the universe. The Titans were conquered. They were punished terribly.
  • Earths last child

    Earth gave birth to her last child. His name was Typhon, Zeus had lightning and thunder as his weapons and shot down Typhon. One more attempt was made to unthrone Zeus, by the giants. The giants were defeated and hurled down to Tartarus.
  • world

    The world was free of monsters but there wasn't any human beings, it was ready for mankind. The oceans had different meanings and there was a good and bad place for after death.
  • Mankind

    Some say that mankind was made by Epimetheus, only thinking of the after thoughts, he had failed and seeked his brother Prometheus for help, who thought of things beforehand. Mankind had a nobler shape then the animals, they could stand and do things upright.
    Others say that mankind was made by the gods themselfs.
  • women

    Zeus created women in anger, Prometheus cared for the humans much. He stole fire for the men and made sure they got the best part of the animal sacrifices and the gods got the worst.
  • Mean Zeus

    Mortals learned to never deceive Zeus and its not possible to get the better of Zeus. Zeus punished the men by giving them women and Zeus knew that one of his sons should also overthrow him, only Prometheus knew who the mother would be.