
The West to WWII Timeline

  • White Americans

    White Americans
    While transforming the west Americans had tons of work the had to be done for the future of the people, many Americans would later become hard workers in the field. Some would later become farmers and with the help of the railroad they would later expand their land even more, but the railroads did not build themselves many Americans would help in the production of railroads, as well as miners, and soldiers. And for religion some white Americans would become Mormons to spread the word of god.
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    Transforming the West

  • HomeStead Act

    HomeStead Act
    This act was put into action my our president Abraham Lincoln it would encourage people to migrate to the west, the bid deal that would encourage that was he would provide 160 acres of land to the people that would migrate to the west. But while they lived there they would have to pay small fees while living on the land, they were promised the land if they were to live there for 5 years straight to fully own the land for themselves, this would pull landless farmers, slaves and single women.
  • Morrill Land Grant College Act

    Morrill Land Grant College Act
    This was an act that would donate public land to the other seven states in which they could provide colleges for the benefits of agricultural and mechanic arts.This act are United States statutes that would allow the creation of land grant colleges in the U.S. using the proceeds of federal land sales, they would fund universities in sparsely populated areas and they would apply taxes on the sale of public land to the people of those sparsely populated areas near the colleges.
  • Period: to

    Becoming an industrial power

  • Cattle Drives

    Cattle Drives
    Cattle drives were very important ton many people it was a job for some and dinner for others. the main target was long horns and they were a mixture between Spanish and English cows they were $40 each in the north and $4 each in the south, and it was up to the cowboys to either bring them to the south or the north, they represented manliness courage and independence, the first cowboys were blacks or Hispanics, this would only last 20 years do to barbed wire which would slow transport.
  • RailRoads

    Railroads were now in high production they were a faster way of traveling and transporting, there were numerous tracks and transporting networks. This would also open up many new lands for farming, and now with railroads farmers could sell their crops and cattle on a national level to the national market. As well as farming ranching and mining were becoming big because selling their loot on a national level, and do to railroads many towns began to swell, time zone departure would change as well
  • John D Rockefeller

    John D Rockefeller
    There were many monopoly owners during this time another would Be John D Rockefeller, imagine this man as the Carnegie of oil production and anything that would be oil related. He would do the same thing as Carnegie he would later control 90% of the domestic oil, he went from vertical integration to horizontal integration. As well as being a monopoly owner he would invent two very important elements which would be known as trust and holding companies which is a business relationship individual
  • Laissez Fair

    Laissez Fair
    This act had to do with the government and the people. The government had decided that they wanted to stay out of the private sphere, meaning sales and purchases would be regulated by the people for the people and the government would stay out of it. there would be no regulations and know rules, pretty much the government was getting kind of lazy and did not want to get into any problems with the people, they can take care of themselves they are all grown men and women so let them do them.
  • Mail order catalog

    Mail order catalog
    A man named Montgomery Ward came up with an idea that he would bring department stores to the rural america, and teamed up with the another man and came up with the sears catalog which did surprisingly well it was pretty much a magazine that a list of a bunch of items that were being saled in the department stores and it was a good way to get an idea of what you want. After this other department stores were following there idea, most of the nation lived in a rural area so this worked well.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    This Religion if you could call it that they believed that the controversial theory of evolution, in short the rich had the power to survive because they have so much power they are rich intelligent, strong and adaptable, and they believed that the poor were not like them the poor were weak unfit and were not capable to survive. And the rich advocated from even helping the poor they were all on there own and they believed that this was the Darwinist reasoning behind life and everything.
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    The Natives were beginning to become a major problem to the Americans and one man really wanted to be a hero a man named George Custer so he decided to lead an offensive push towards the natives. He had an army of about 100 men believing that the army of the native was very small, but when Custer arrived they were out numbered, Custer and his army were slaughtered by the natives, the media eventually learned of this and flipped the scrip to make Custer look like a hero that he wanted to be.
  • Great uprising of 1877

    Great uprising of 1877
    This would serve as one of the early strikes that would take place during this industrial time there would be railroad strikes that would take place from West Virginia to other cities across the country, and with times comes experience so labor unions would be better organized, and as a result of all these strikes they would later on create the national guard as a result of these strikes that were taking place, because the people would not allow trains to roll until they were given a pay raise.
  • Period: to

    The Gilded Age

  • African Americans

    African Americans
    Around this time African Americans are still looking for economic opportunity, many of them started to become a group of African Americans called the Exodusters they were a group of slaves that were migrating west some of them succeeded while others had to settle with bad land, many of them were lacking money to survive, so many of them would relocate back to the south. But the others that had the will wold journey further to the west looking for a better life opportunity in the west.
  • Knights of Labor

    Knights of Labor
    The knights of labor were a group of people that wanted to get rid of market competition for a more cooperative one, this group was open to all workers but was secret to avoid sabotage from workers, and from the help of this group we would eventually receive labor day as a holiday, and would support an 8 hour work day, equal pay for men and women, and none of these equal opportunities would not have been put into action if it was not for the men and women boycotting the businesses.
  • Tenements

    Around this time the population was outnumbering living space and there was no where left to put this poor helpless families, so the originally created tenements which were 4- 6 stories would house dozens of family members in each little room, the rooms were horrifying they were poorly lit, poorly ventilated, and with so many people in one little room a higher chance of spreading disease, and with overpopulation the rent soared due to overpopulation. And some were evicted for falling behind.
  • Natavism

    This was Americans where Americans were weary of immigration again like they have always been, so they decided to start stopping immigrants. And all of these ideas came from the strikes and slums this would eventually lead to the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the american protective association these were lobbied for restrictions, and immigration depots and deportation, for criminals diseased and radicals, and these people were given literacy test to see of they were normal or not with others.
  • Chinese/ Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese/ Chinese Exclusion Act
    Like other immigrants that faced discrimination the Chinese also faced these types of problems. They were wage workers that worked like any other person for income and to help there family or themselves, many of them would face racism and violence with the Americans that saw them as job thieves. And would later pass the Chinese exclusion act that would ban further immigration of Chinese immigrants into the U.S. and would make art to describe the act itself with racial pictures of Chinese.
  • Buffalo Bills Wild West Show

    Buffalo Bills Wild West Show
    After the major conflicts with the natives and turning them into Americans, the conflicts were mostly over, and a man named Buffalo Bill this man was a scout and a former buffalo hunter, he would later start his own show in western shown in eastern U.S., his shows would show others what life was like in the west, cattle drives, Indian fights, cowboys, and etc. In the show its self they actually got former cowboys of the cattle drives and even former Indians such as sitting bull to participate.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    This act would introduce the spoils system which the leader would give public office to its supporters this was all put into action after the assassination of Garfield by Charles guiteau. this would changes upon the the favors, and during this time they would also establish the civil service exam, and all of this was to establish positions within the federal government should be awarded based off a merit and not political affiliation meaning no friends of he president you must earn it.
  • American Federation of Labor

    American Federation of Labor
    This was like the knights of Labor but the total opposite of that it took place of the knights of labor. They didn't allow unskilled labor from people they were also pretty racist and did not allow black, immigrant or women workers, and they also believed in a capitalism other then cooperatives, with this new faction in act there would be 1.6 million members by 1904 this Disunity in the labor field would hinder the change until the early 20th century, and would change labor from then on.
  • Farmers alliance

    Farmers alliance
    The Farmers alliance was started because it would take on the reins from the granger movement, this Alliance had 5 million members and they were all only white, the farmers to rebel would overcharge on shipping cost, high interest loans, this would unite and allow farmers to cooperate together, they would negotiate higher crop prices, better loan rates, and insurance. This would later become political to fight monopolies, and this Alliance would win big in 1890 and they received a victory.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    On may 4 protest would be held for the deaths of strikers in Haymarket square Chicago, 300 policemen would show up to try to break up the the crowd of people but what eventually ends up happening is a bomb goes off near the police the police saw it as a threat and start attacking the crowds of people with there batons and guns in the end 7 police would end up dead. The press would hysterically claim this as a riot and this would damage the labor movement in the early 20th century.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish immigrant that lived a very poor life when he was younger and would use that being poor to push him even further when he would later get older and move to the U.S. He would use hard work and investment as a means to push him self even more on top of being poor as a child for a better future, and would later work on the steel and would push the production prices of steel to the lowest prices possible and would later become a robber baron to the government.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    So for a bit of info on what was going on before wounded knee Indians were performing these rituals called ghost dances which were a way of resistance to white rule, and was a way to comfort the Indians in these cruel times. And whites saw this as a threat and this is where wounded me comes into place, whites got the jump on a group of Indians performing a ghost dance 300 Indians were performing the ritual and were all killed, it all started because supposibly a gun went off and started it.
  • Sherman Anti Trust act

    Sherman Anti Trust act
    This act would originally make all trust illegal because corporations would buy out politicians and would water out the language but it would eventually be useless to tackle down the monopolies because they would have so much money and power that this act really meant nothing to them, and would continue on with their life as if it didn't even change a bit. But later on this act would come back into action and would later be very successful in stopping many monopolies and the rich as well.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The Great Migration was an African American movement/ migration where African Americans from the south had enough and needed to flee and abandon these Jim Crow laws. They would all be fleeing North the place of wonders, from 1890 about 300 K to 1910. And later an outstanding 7 million would leave from 1890 to 1970, they were just tired of all the problems in the south, they just wanted a better economic life, they just wanted to escape war, persecution and starvation for their family and lifes.
  • Women

    Around This time Women were finally moving up in the world and were brand new, they were middle class and they were given more free time, they were given more roles in society, and now for a first they were allowed to go to college, this would lead to a champion temperance, another big thing that women got into was bicycles, i don't know why but they liked bikes, and that was in the 1890's but they were criticized and had supervision in public, they were not allowed to show to much skin as well
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  • Depression of 1893

    Depression of 1893
    This depression would later be known as one of the worst in U.S. history, this depression would lead to banks, railroads , and everyday businesses to go down under and I'm talking really low. When this started to happen people wanted to blame the Laissez fair, an army marched on Washington peacefully and would protest capitalism, and would show patriotism, and during the late 19th century, a conflict between big business and labor had started, and even Carnegie would face criticism during this
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Pullman strike was Harshly started by George Pullman, he would go on to build luxury railroad cars, which was built by the company town for the employees but once the depression hit in 1893 it really hurt the company, so they had to lay off workers and cut the salaries of employees. This would start the Pullman strike in which ARU would shut down the railroads the president would intervene, in which the strikers would gain public support, so that increased attention to the strikers
  • Period: to

    The Progressive Era

  • Social Gospel Movement

    Social Gospel Movement
    This movement would begin in England and this would be sort of a work movement and this movement would advocate for the poor working class in England. But some did not like this such as religious leaders hated this movement this goes back to social Darwinism and that's how they saw the poor, then the YMCA came into action the Young men's christian association, they would provide libraries, kitchens exercise, and housing to the people. As well as the Salvation army providing soup kitchens.
  • U.S.S. Maine incident

    U.S.S. Maine incident
    So Cuba needed help from the U.S. so we sent one of our best high tech ships, to Havana to help with the Deter, Spanish loyalist. They were there to defend American property. But one day on February 15, 1898 the U.S.S. Maine suddenly exploded for no reason what so ever. When the media heard the ship exploded they needed to get viewers so they blame the situation on the Spanish, see the navy and media thought it was a harbor mine, but years later they found out it was faulty ship design.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Yellow Journalism we all know what it is because in today's society we thrive on this. Yellow Journalism is in the shortest way very exaggerated stories just only to grab attention no facts just grab viewers to read and buy there articles and gain revenue. This would increase newspaper sales, and it was used against the Spanish when they sunk the U.S.S. Maine, there was tales of rape in Cuba, and women being abused by the Spanish. The owner was William Randolph Hearst who was in it for the doe.
  • President McKinley

    President McKinley
    So after McKinley won the election of 1900 he had many problems that he had to deal with, they were about to start a major war with the Spanish. And the people thought that it would be right to go to war but McKinley did not want to go to war he believed that they should just sit back and things would eventually die down. But the people were getting mad and eventually McKinley had no other choice but to send the U.S. into war and that would start the Mexican american war, for territory.
  • The Rough Riders

    The Rough Riders
    The Rough Riders was a group that was created by Theodore Roosevelt, around this time he was the assistant secretary of the navy, he would lead his first volunteer Calvary. This Calvary would be a mixture of many ethnics people it was a very diverse Calvary with the amount of people that join this mini army the numbers grew to about 300K. They would serve as a line of defense and would go down in history for some of there heroic events and some heroic battles that they helped secure a win.
  • Treaty of Paris 1898

    Treaty of Paris 1898
    So with the Treaty of Paris also came the end of the war against the Spanish, 385 would die from battle while 2000 died from disease and other issues. So after the war came the treaty to settle things with the enemy and claim our earnings and reward, Spain would give up Cuba and Cuba would become a puppet state, Cuba would make concessions so that the U.S. would leave and the forces would leave as well. And they owed tons of money 20 million to be exact so they were truly in debt with the other.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    This battle was a race to the top of San Juan Hill or San Juan heights, it was a race to the top of the hill and they were told to hold down a position until they defeated the enemy. The Leader was Theodore Roosevelt and he was leading the team known as the rough riders that would be remembered for this heroic event. This alone made Teddy the famous person that we know him as, but they say we were the first to the top but that was not true. They used Yellow Journalism to make Teddy look heroic.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    This was a Chinese way of rebelling we call it the boxer rebellion but to the Chinese they called it the Righteous and Harmonious Fist, we saw this as a terrorist campaign aimed towards the Europeans and Americans and they were using this as a sort of payback if you will call it that. They would attack any foreigners anywhere in China. And it was secretly funded by the Chinese Government, So We had enough and decided to stop this stupid rebellion after we stopped them we funded China 333 Mil
  • Wizard of OZ

    Wizard of OZ
    We all know the Wizard of OZ an old movie and a book, but it wasn't always seen as a movie with a happy and colorful ending. Before it was seen as we see it today the author kind of had a dark backstory to this tale of adventure and color, L. Frank Baum the original author of the Wizard of OZ used the characters to depict the world in which they were living in, Scarecrow represented the farmers, the tin man represented the people who couldn't work and how the world was not in a good state.
  • Booker T. Washington

    Booker T. Washington
    Booker T. Washington was a prominent African American individual around the time of 1900, he attended Tuskegee Institute. And all he really wanted was black economic improvement because many were still facing tons of of racial issue, he was not for social justice just black economic improvement. Every man should be equal blacks should be on the same level as whites and whites on the same level as blacks, and with the help of him they would later on allow equality for blacks and whites.
  • Election of 1900

    Election of 1900
    So the Election of 1900 we needed a president because we were about get our selves into a bit of a war, for the Democratic side the Leader was Williams Jennings Bryan, and for the Republicans the leader was William McKinley with his VP Teddy Roosevelt. Fame and Heroism boosted him so in the long run the Republicans won the election and McKinley was the president. McKinley would now have to figure out a plan because it was war time and either be passive or aggressive he had the power in hand
  • Big Stick Policy

    Big Stick Policy
    The Big Stick policy refers to a quote that Teddy Roosevelt would always used to say "Speak softly an carry a big stick and you will go far" What Teddy Roosevelt meant when he said this is like stated speak softly and comply with others but if things go south carry a big stick but in teddy s case his big stick was the navy he was just given power over the navy so he had all the power and that is what he meant by carry a big stick. So comply with others but dont be afraid to use a bit of force.
  • Progressives

    The Progressives took a philosophical approach they were not a movement they were just a group of people that had a lot on their mind. These group of people wanted to transcend politics and they were for safety and health they were not just for wages, they were for women suffrage and temperance. They would also support the middle class and help them if needed, they were for government protection and as well as capitalism, they were support of the people and just helping others.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th U.S. president as well as the youngest president he was the VP to McKinley but after he was assassinated Teddy took his spot and that was a nick name they gave him Teddy. He was very energetic and had tons of enthusiasm he was a little kid in a mans body, and he was very likable. Once he was elected into office he would soon be called the trust buster, he would strengthen the interstate commerce commission, and would regulate big businesses that had to much.
  • Unions

    Unions were based off of racial and ethnic issues, and when those two things are you main source of hate and you truly hate something that anger will lead to strikes and that is what happen here. Many families did not support the violence of these unions, these unions would disrupt life and cause financial issues to many people, shut down transport. See unions did not rely on themselves, when it came to work The SCOTUS was allowed to fire any union workers, because they mostly sided with money
  • Child Labor

    Child Labor
    See now a days the parents work to keep the kids in a good healthy environment, but back then the children would work as well to keep the family financially going. Some people saw it as character building for the kids and would help them out in the long run when they get older, but others saw it as exploitation on the children, other claimed that it ruined childhood. Damaged health, they would lose education opportunities, So they passed new laws, and added school attendance chips on labor.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    This man by the named of Henry Ford would Revolutionized the auto industry. And would be the start of something great for the future of the U.S. and everybody in it. He was the first to build a vehicle the model T and he did it with the assembly line process which would reduce the cost of making the Model T. He would improve machinery, he would produce more cars for less, and would pass benefits to his employees, $5 a day which was a lot back then, with an eight hour workday for the employees.
  • W.E.B Dubious

    W.E.B Dubious
    This man was a prominent black intellectual he was and elite professional and teacher, he was not for vocational workers, and was for immediate civil rights for the people that were not given there rights, he believed that economic betterment would not be possible without Civil rights to the people. He would later be the Co- founder of the NAACP he would eventually overturn the Jim Crow act for the African Americans, and would further receive Civil rights towards the people that needed it/
  • Laborers

    So now there was two types of work that you could do to make money to support your family, Laborers and Industrialist. The industrialist wanted to suppress the workers, they had private security, they would use intimidation against the laborers, the Union only had a couple of options, most union members were fired, and other would be blacklisted for other companies, they would kick union families out of company homes, and would substitute those workers that were fired. But laborers counter
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke was a very important man and the start of something very big that lives in our history to this very day as we speak. Archduke was the leader of Hungary and would soon be the ruler. But a group known as the black hand a group of people that hated the archduke and wanted him dead. One day the Archduke was being driven to the castle and the driver took a wrong turn, then a man named Gavrilo Princip a black hand member pulled out a gun and shot the duke, and that event lead to WW1.
  • Western Front

    Western Front
    The Western front was the opposite from the Eastern front over here there was trenches everywhere it was trench warfare, it would last from 1914 to 1917. When fighting in this terrain the people would not move more then 20 miles, cause over the trenches was dead mans land. But new developments were being put to the test, Mustard gas was like and acid that did serious damage, airplanes for recon, tanks to travel in heavy protection, and machine guns stronger then other guns, Millions would die.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Trench warfare was a fighting style that would take place in the west , see with all the trenches people would just stay in those for days not making a move because making a move would lead to certain death, tow sides trenches on each side and in the middle was no mans land. Nobody ever went here because you would die no cover no nothing just out in the open getting hit by millions of bullets, people would get shell shock which was PTSD they would be terrified and to scared to move nothing.
  • Weapons

    During world war one many new weapons would be introduced to take control of power from the enemy, Mustard gas was a smoke that would melt the lungs, U-boats were subs that would sink large military arsenals, Planes were introduced for air fights as well as recon missions on the enemy. Tanks were heavy armored vehicles that could pass no mans land, Machine guns were guns that had ammo that you could shoot for days before having to reload. And barbed wire was moved to stop movement forward.
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal was a construction that would make travel between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean a lot faster in a way this was going to be a shortcut. It was first started by the french but they were stopped because of disease and mudslides that injured or killed workers. Now Teddy comes into the picture and buys the right to continue work on the canal fro $40 million. Columbia was going to resist but the Panama province revolted. And soon came construction on the Canal a system of locks.
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  • Eastern Front

    Eastern Front
    Their were to fighting zones the eastern front and the western front, the eastern front was a lot larger then the western front and most of it was trench-less, but before we start fighting imperial Russia collapses they overthrow the tsar, and start a Bolshevik revolution. And from that point Russia will now turn communist, with their leader Vladimir Lenin, they will then sign a peace treaty with the central powers. And then war will start and it will be a one front war and will start War.
  • National park system

    National park system
    As the president there was somethings that teddy liked in his personal time one of those happend to be parks and animals, so he decided to help and preserve national parks for the people, he would establish national parks in 1916 and would would start a big business conservationist advocate. So when the public heard of the parks they were all for it, they had a public demand for the national parks. So the NPS would run all national parks monuments and national or historical sites in the U.S.
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    This pledge was between America and Germany, see America was giving Britain and the other allies weapons and support to help them out. And Germany did not like this at all but they pledged themselves right? Wrong they were not supposed to target American ships without evidence they needed to worry about passengers and safety. Well they totally blew that off and attacked the ships and killed many innocent people. This pissed America off an was really one of the reasons that america went to war.
  • Alcohol

    Alcohol was an important part of a mans life it really served as a way to deal with the stress and women had enough of it. Women were the best at temperance they saw alcohol and saloons as very bad resources. So they started a new temperance movement which would eventually lead to alcohol becoming illegal, it was illegal in most states in 1917. As well as other individual countries were starting to follow this act and banning alcohol in the wet states, this all was the result of suffrage.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    This Telegram was written by the man named Arthur Zimmerman it was said in the Telegram that they would recover Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. And that this letter was sent to convince Japan to attack the American colonies. But when it was sent it was intercepted by the British and after the Americans heard this they wanted war, So Wilson asked congress for war and they got it. The troops would arrive in June 1917, the Americans served as an associate power, they were not part of the allies.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    The Spanish flu was a very deadly flu at the time no one knows how it spread but many assumed that the enemy spread it to the civilians by secret operations or something, this new strain would cause worldwide pandemic, it was so strong that it would later go on to kill millions, it would get about 25 million american civilians sick. And they did not know any cure for it at the time so they had to tough it out but they couldn't it would kill about 675 K Americans would die at home from the flu.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    The Sedition act was not really an act as much as they want to call it, see after the SCOTUS upholds, it was used against socialist and communist. And then came a time of great German American discrimination all Germans were hated, just how the African Americans were hated the same was for the Germans, Germans were so scared that they would change their last names just to avoid the hate they received, as well as stop speaking German. Some were even killed and assaulted just for being German
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    The battle is almost over and the american deaths surge in Fall 1918, the final battle would take place at the battle of the Argonne Forest. the amount of casualties that would have taken place would range from about 2,550 a day, but finally on November 1918 the Germans decided to call for a Armistice, and when they made this decision the war would come to an end with the Germans facing a major defeat against the Allied powers and the U.S. Many men would lose there life but it was finally over.
  • Cars

    With the war being over America was in a state of happiness and new beginnings cars were becoming a big thing, car ownership went through the roof, with the brand new Cleaner Model T. Oil had just been found and was better then using whale oil so that was the new source of power to the vehicle. And with more people owning cars exactly 27 million by 1930 we needed more roads. So workers would make more roads to travel and even bridges, and with cars came many more billboards cars were in.
  • Work Safety

    Work Safety
    With A new era to begin there needed to be some changes so the government decided to start with work safety for employees, they would guarantee work safety, unions, and good wages in WWI. But no guarantee's after WWI, big business went back to normal, and strikers would be accused of communists, also union membership was at its all time high. But the Republicans love big business, and trust laws would not be enforced upon the people. And people were allowed to own stocks, and medic insurance.
  • spirit of Saint Louis

    spirit of Saint Louis
    This was the names of LindBergs plain he would be the first to fly non stop from New York City all the way to Paris, this trip of his would take a total of 33.5 hours. But the truth is he was so excited before the trip that he couldn't sleep, so he would be awake for a total of 55 hours he would be equipped with a flashlight, Rubber raft, wicker chair, water and some sandwiches, and he could not communicate with others he had no radio or radar. And after the trip airplanes became worldwide.
  • The Lost Generation

    The Lost Generation
    The Lost generation was a group of people or a generation that rebelled against Victorian Values, they were mostly affected by the negativity and remorse of WWI. F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemmingway, T.S. Elliott all of these men were against public codes of conduct. They believed that they would be better if they had sexual liberation with others, with sexual intercourse they could escape the unhealthy confines of modern life, and also alcohol was another way to relieve pain
  • First Red Scare

    First Red Scare
    The first red Scare was a set of immigration restrictions, because many were afraid of communism, and after WWI they were just terrified, They were afraid Germans would make there way to the U.S. So the government would keep immigrants from immigrating, to the U.S. they just did not to take any chances of America becoming a government like Germany and fall into a communist environment. We are better then Germany so we should never copy the restrictions that they would put on innocent people.
  • KKK

    The KKK was a group of people only American that did not agree with immigration and really hated all other races, religions that were not originally formed in the beginning of America, they were pretty much the red Scare but a lot more stricter, they would initially suppress the government, they would have millions of members by the 1920's. They would perform thousands of lynchings and burning s, they were upset about the great migration, black communist would be assaulted by mobs of KKK
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    This was a Jamaican Immigrant he was for economic empowerment such as the ways of Booker T Washington, he would create the UNIA or Universal Negro Improvement Agency it would be a black owned business, Militant and wanted to buy land in Africa for black people around the world to live a casual normal life with peace and happiness. He wanted to do away with the Jim Crow rules, he would inspire confidence, and the government would become worried about the a violent movement that may occur.
  • Jazz

    This was a new for the form of music in the U.S.A it would first take place on Tin Pan Alley, and would catch the attention of many such as New York City music publishers, and singers. This would dominate the american music from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, Jazz would evolve from Harlem renaissance, Jazz Venues would whites and blacks would attend, and later Whites would take on this form of music and mold it in there own way,and would start the Jazz age of music for people.
  • Eugenics

    So Eugenics was the new way of the future people could make the child that they would have always wanted just with some simple science and other things to make the perfect child, it would be the improvement of the human race though the act of selective breeding, but people would also happen to believe in birth control, they would eliminate the bad traits that nobody wanted and make them better with advanced traits that would make things perfect for the family that had the child of there dreams
  • Tea pot Dome Scandal

    Tea pot Dome Scandal
    The Tea pot scandal was all started by Albert Fall, what he was was lease oil preserves. Which does not sound that bad but what he did wrong was accepted the lease without bidding. The senate later heard about this and started investigating this aggressively. He would later be convicted for accepting bribes, he was the first person in cabinet to be put in jail. This was the largest political scandal during the 20's until Watergate, he got greedy and thought more about money then the state.
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  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover was the president of 1928 he was orphaned as a child he would grow up to become a humanitarian, but when he was president he would become a poor public speaker he could not handle the pressure and would freak out. HE would be introverted his begging was good as president he had limited government intervention but as his term went on things would get a lot harder for him and would suffer the fire of the depression
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    The Great Depression

  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
    The 20th amendment just simply states that when a presidents term is over and he or she is about to give it up on the 20th of January and that is his final day that he may be in office before he has to give it up to the next guy and move on to his or her old life when he was not president, also on January 20th is the inauguration for the new president that will be taking office and ruling over the people until his one or two terms are over and it will become a pattern of giving up office.
  • 21st amendment

    21st amendment
    This amendment is meant to counter the 18th amendment and allow people to have access to alcohol but only when the reach the specific age of 21 and then they are free to do whatever they please with the alcohol but you know just don't get to carried away with it it just now becomes legal for you to consume or purchase alcohol.
  • Hitler

    Hitler was a very well excellent speaker he was a natural orator and very charismatic to the people of Germany, after proving himself to the people he would take on leadership of the Nationalist Socialist Party or the Nazis. He attempted to coup the Weimar Republic but after making an attempt he would be thrown in jail,for treason. HE spent 9 months in jail and had the time to write a novel, in which he blamed all the Jews, and how he wanted territory in eastern Europe which would start WWII
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