The Vietnam timeline

  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    Baby boom started from 1940's to 1950's, Americans households grew larger. GI Bill encouraged families.
  • Free Election Support

    Free Election Support
    Free election support promised by the United States to reunify this land
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam war began. The countries involved were a total of 21 countries, the United States being one of them.
  • First combat mission

    First combat mission
    American first combat mission in helicopter against Viacong in North Vietnam
  • John F. Kennedy assassinated

    John F. Kennedy assassinated
    John F. Kennedy assassinated
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    Gulf of Tonkin incident was when 2 United States ships were fired from North Vietnam. This rose a major military conflict and increased United States military.
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb is tested by China. China was one of the countries involved also in the Vietnam War
  • LBJ & Vietnam War

    LBJ & Vietnam War
    President Lyndon B Johnson send 60,000 troops to vietnam
  • War status

    War status
    At the end of this year there were about 6,000 American killed and 30,000 wounded. On the other side 61,000 Vietnam men were killed, there was about 280,000 Vietnam men and 385,000 American men
  • Vietcong

    North vietnam joins forces to with the Viet Cong a communist community and attacks south Vietnam.
  • War in Vietnam

    War in Vietnam
    War in Vietnam reaches 540,000 US troops.
  • Combat deaths

    Combat deaths
    US deaths exceed more than 33,629 men
  • President Nixon

    President Nixon
    President Nixon withdraws the first American Troops from Vietnam.
  • War concluded

    War concluded
    After war had concluded, troops were returning home. On March 1973, the last troop returned home.