
The U.S entering WWI

  • President Wilson to Congress

    Explanation of how America will remain neutral
  • U.S Department of State Declaration

    A merchant vessel carrying weapons for defense is now obtained
  • German Declartion

    The germans declared all waters around Great Britain and Ireland a warzone
  • President Wilson Declaration

    If the German ships attack the American boats in any way then it would be hard for Americans to view the act as anything different from an indefensible violation of nuetrality
  • U.S Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan to Germany

    The Germans killed 100 Americans when they sunk our ship.
  • President Wilson to congress

    The attacks are growing more ruthless All diplomatic relations between Germany and America are severed
  • Zimmerman telegram, Germany to Mexico

    Germany and Mexico will become alliances in the war
  • President Wilson to U.S senate

    It will be peace without victory, Only peace between equals can last
  • President Wilsons 2nd inaugural address

    America stands firm with neutrality even with great struggle
  • U.S congessional Declaration

    Germany repeatedly violates the policy of neutrality, The war between them is now formally declared.
  • British Prime minister david lloyd george to the american club of london

    The entrence of America into the war gives a final stamp and seal to the character of the conflict. Peace is coming soon and their will be an end to the bloodshed
  • President Wilson to congress

    Immediate steps need to be taken to put America in a more thorough state of defense and to fund the allied forces in the war
  • President wilson to american public

    America is fighting for what they believe and wish the rights of mankind and for future peace. Devotion of themselves and services is needed but will be all worth it.