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The Unicycle

  • penny farthing

    penny farthing
    Unicycles might be related to the penny farthing bike. they were introduced by Eugène Meyer, paris 1870-1880.
  • The unicycle

    The unicycle
    In around 1885 people decided that they didn't want the back wheel and handlebars, so they took them off and the unicycle was born.
  • The unicycles popularity

    The unicycles popularity
    The unicycles gained popularity mostly in circuses, by blowns who would juggle while riding them.
  • More Unicycle

    More Unicycle
    The unicycle was developed to the ultimate wheel (seatless unicycle), Giraffe, and more.
  • Wheel

    Of course the wheel got smaller because, if you look at old unicycles and new ones, their very different.

    UNICON was created in 1984, a unicycle convention. -http://www.zenartsla.com/unicycle/
  • Saftey

    Unicycling isn't the safest, but with good practicing, you can be very good at it.
  • The Unicycle.

    The Unicycle.
    The unicycle is a Fun, entertaining, fairly safe activity in my opinion.
    (i didn't know what else to put on here so ya X3)
    i think many people have come to love this activity too.