Toilet llqq 001

The Toilet

  • The first flushing toilet

    The first flushing toilet
    The first flushing toilet was given to Queen Elizabeth the 1st. Her godson, Sir John Harrington made it for her. This was not the ordinary toilet you have at home, It was a cold litle seat that was made out of stone.
  • The First Claimed Toilet

    The First Claimed Toilet
    The first flushing toilet to be patened or claimed to be invented by that person was a man named Alexandar Cummings. It was not really made by him but he had claimed to be the inventor,
  • The sewer

    The sewer
    People started to realize that things were getting very unsanitary. Lawmakers, medicine experts, inventors and the general public thought sewers should become popular and they should have pipes that lead to the sewer from every household.
  • Toilet Paper

    Toilet Paper
    Joseph Gayetty thought of toilet paper to wipe your bottom. It was not on a roll. It was just packaged.
  • From Tank to Tank and Bowl

    From Tank to Tank and Bowl
    Toilets started changing and improving, It changed from just a tank to a tank and a bowl. The tank held all the water that cleans the toilet when you flush and the bowl was where you sat and all if your waste went.
  • Toilet Slippers

    Toilet Slippers
    There was an invention in Japan called Toilet Slippers. People in Japan have specific places that are "Clean" and "Unclean". Outside was considered "Unclean". Inside was considered "Clean". They bathroom was considered "Unclean". Japanese people had shoes for the places that were unclean and shoes for places that were clean. Then they invented Toilet Slippers that were slippers for the bathroom so that their clean shoes wouldn't get unclean.
  • Sound Princess

    Sound Princess
    Toilets in Japan started changing, There were lots of cool new toiets but one of the popular ones was called the "Sound Princess" Women are often self-concious about people hearing them go to the bathroom. They would flush the toilet while they went to the bathroom so people wouldn't hear and then flush again after, It was a waste of water, Then they invented the "Sound Princess". It was a sound-proof bathroom so now women don't have to feel self-concious anymore.
  • The ILoo

    The ILoo
    In Britain they came up with something called the ILoo which means IBathroom. It was an internet outhouse where you did your business while you could search the internet. It had a wireless keyboard, flat panel plasma monitor and Wi-Fi connetion.