the timeline of phones

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  • The First cellphone

    The First cellphone
    in 1973 the first cellular phone was created by the compony Motorola.
  • The First Siemens Mobile Phone

    The First Siemens Mobile Phone
    the Siemens mobiltelefon c1 was in the shape of the brief case and had a larger battery power and call distance than the Motorola.
  • The First Nokia Phone

    The First Nokia Phone
    The Nokia Mobira cityman 900 was one of the first phones with a digital screen. This was one of the most expensive mobile phones and weighing in at 2 pounds.
  • The first Samsung phone was born.

    The first Samsung phone was born.
    A year later the first ever Samsung phone was made, it was the smallest phone for its time being the length of an average hand, and being 3 inches thick.
  • The first flip phone was created

    The first flip phone was created
    after many heavy "brick phones" , Motorola created one of the first flip phones, the microTac was the frist one you could fit in your hand.
  • The First Touch Sreen Phone

    The First Touch Sreen Phone
    The first ever phone to use the touch screen feature is the IBM Simon, and was only in yellow and green.
  • First phone to have a keyboard

    First phone to have a keyboard
    One of the first phones to have that weird pullout keyboard was the Nokia Communicator 9000. Due to the keyboard it was targeted towards business Majors, due to its capability to view faxes, graphs, and, spread sheets.
  • The first cellphone that was able to access the internet

    The first cellphone that was able to access the internet
    One of the first cellphones that was able to acces the internet was nokia 7110, and was able to work anywhere with a signal.
  • The first phone with a camera

    The first phone with a camera
    The first phone with a digital camera was the Japanese made, Kyocera VP-210 Visual phone.
  • The iconic Nokia brick was made

    The iconic Nokia brick was made
    at the turn of the decade one of the most famous phones was created, and that phone was the nokia 3310
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    The first phone that apple tried to promote widestreem was the the iphone
  • The first galaxy phone was made

    The first galaxy phone was made
    the same year as the iphone, samsung released the gt-17500 the first of the galaxies
  • Present day

    Present day
    currently in 2021 not much has changed in the digital phone market, besides storage, camera quality, and screen size aswell as clarity.
  • The Samsung galaxy fold

    The Samsung galaxy fold
    This phone promises to be able to fold it vertically and protects its own screen, and being able to slip into the smallest of pockets.
  • Samsung galaxy note 22

    Samsung galaxy note 22
    this phone is scheduled for 2022 and wants to have a second screen on the back for time and boast about its best camera quality compared to every phone ever
  • apple's Iphone 12

    apple's Iphone 12
    apple is coming out with a new phone next year and promises it to have five G compatibility and, for it to have 256GB