
The Time that Changed Everything

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Scientific revolution

  • Nov 21, 1543

    Universe Theory

    Universe Theory
    In 1543 Copernicous released his theory that the earth was not the center of the universe. He said that after all of his research that the sun was the center of the earth.
  • Microscope

    The microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen in 1590. It was invented to see microscopic things like germs. People are able to kill bacteria because it was invented.
  • Thermometer

    The thermometer was invented in 1593 by Galileo. He invented this so it would be easy to tell someone the tempeature and to be able to choose what you would do that day so if it is going to snow you could tell so you don't freeze.
  • Refracting telescope

    Refracting telescope
    The refracting telescope was invented by Isaac Newton in 1608. It was invented to examine the Moon and more objects in space like planets.
  • Mercury Barometer

    Mercury Barometer
    The barometer was invented by Evangelista Torricelli in 1643. This measures the weight of the air at the top atmosphere.
  • Pendulum Clock

    Pendulum Clock
    The pendulum clock was invented in 1656 by Christian Huygens. The pendulum clock was invented so that the people then could tell the time.
  • Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

    Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
    The book call Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica was published in 1687 by Isaac Newton.The book was published to give some of Issac's knowledge to others that needed it.
  • Bifocal Glasses

    Bifocal Glasses
    The bifocal glasses were invented in the 1700's by Ben Franklin. He invented them so that people would be able to see.