The Sun Also Rises and Going Solo

  • Robert Cohn

    Cohn and Jake go out for lunch and Cohn discusses going to South America. Cohn leaves for New York to discuss his novel. Jake starts to realize how annoying Cohn is.
  • The Lady Brett Ashley

    Brett shows up at a club and meets up with Jake and Cohn, Cohn is attracted to Brett but Brett goes home with Jake. Brett cannot stand the fact they cannot be together. Later Jake feels terrible and sick, but Brett feels better.
  • San Sebastian

    Jake is stood up by Brett at their date; Frances and Cohn have a fight and break up. Jake receives a letter from San Sebastian from Brett, Frances had gone back to England, Cohn goes away for a few week, and Bill comes from the United States to Vienna to Paris to meet Jake for their fishing trip.
  • Fishing with Bill

    Cohn goes along on the fishing trip, and ends up staying behind for Brett and Mike. Jake and Bill reminisce about the past while fishing and befriend an Englishman named Harris who hasn’t had a good time like this since after the war.
  • The Festival of San Fermin

    The Festival of San Fermin starts in Spain and Cohn, Jake, Mike, Bill, and Brett start partying hard and see the bulls released. Cohn, Bill, and Mike have verbal spats.
  • Romero the Bullfighter

    After viewing a bullfight Brett starts thinking about the young bullfighter Pedro Romero. She tells this to Jake who introduces them. Jake leaves and comes back to find them gone, he meets up with Bill and Mike at a bar.
  • Cohn Fights Back

    Cohn shows up asks where Brett is, calls Jake a pimp and beats Jake and Mike up, then later Romero and he cries. Cohn goes to Jake’s hotel room and wants Jake’s forgiveness. After a little begging Jake says Cohn is forgiven and that he should leave.
  • "Isn't it pretty to think so?"

    Cohn leaves, Bill leaves, Mike Leaves, Brett leaves with Romero, and Jake leaves for San Sebastian to recuperate from the festival. He however receives a telegram from Brett telling him that she needs help. He arrives in Madrid to find out that Brett has sent Romero away. The two get into a cab and drive off thinking how nice it would be to be in love if they could.
  • Mussolini

    Mussolini, after a National Facism speech, is almost assassinated by a mentally ill woman.
  • British Troops

    British Government sends troops to China.
  • Penicillen

    Alexander Fleming discovers the anti-biotic wonder, Penicillen.
  • The Start of the Great Depression

    Stock markets crash, which in turn triggers the Great Deprssion.
  • Pluto

    US astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto.
  • Gandhi

    Gandhi & British viceroy Lord Irwin sign pact.
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart is first female to fly solo over Atlantic.
  • Hitler, the Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Von Hidenburg.
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition ends in U.S., but organized crime still remains.
  • Germany and Poland

    Germany and Poland sign a ten year no-attack treaty.
  • Africa Invasion

    Mussolini's Army invades Africa.
  • Berlin Olympics

    Jesse Owens wins fourth gold medal at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, it is rumored however Hitler refused to shake his hand because he was African-American.
  • Hidenburg Disaster

    The Hidenburg, a passenger German airship, catches fire and has 35 fatalities.
  • Austria Invaded

    Nazi Germany invades Austria.
  • A New Journey

    Roald Dahl leaves Great Britain on a job for the Shell Company. On his ship he passes a ship full of girls headed to “boost morale,” for Mussolini’s soldiers. He learns that the only way for English people to maintain their sanity in foreign countries is to lose a bit and develop batty habits. He knows because he shares a room with one.
  • French and British support

    Britain and France agree to support Poland if Germany invades.
  • Adventures in Africa

    After Roald Dahl has had several wacky but dangerous adventures in Africa, including lions, snakes, giraffe and elephant viewing, Roald Dahl along with all the Englishmen in Dar Es Salaam are made volunteer officers. Dahl alone with a troop of Askari soldiers must stop all the German natives from leaving Dar Es Salaam. Dahl has a gun pointed at his head but the man holding the gun was killed by an Askari sharpshooter and with that single casuality Roald Dahl keeps the Germans in the country.
  • R.A.F.

    Roald Dahl joins the Royal Air Force and leaves for training he spends these next few days freely flying around in his airplane.
  • Crash

    Roald Dahl completes training, receives wrong directions from a surperior, in a new plane he has never flown, and must crash land. Barely hanging on to consciousness, he pulls himself out of his cockpit before it explodes. Ends up in hospital for five months.
  • Twelve

    Roald Dahl meets up with his squadron in Greece to find he is one of twelve pilots left. Sees his first combat in air, manages to fight three Germans at once take out one and live to see another day.
  • The Battle of Athens

    Roald Dahl expects to take part in an air show to boost morale in Greece but the show is crashed by German Planes and Roald Dahl is forced to be in 4 vicious Dog fights in one day.
  • Home

    Roald Dahl has been doing an extensive amount of fighting In the war sometimes as much as 8 hours a day. His head injuries from the crash landing come back and he is sent back home by a medical board. For a while Roald thinks his family has been killed in a bombing run, but he soon finds his way back to his mother’s cottage and arms.