The Story of Us

  • Apr 27, 1095


    Crusades are religious wars between the christians (only catholics) and the muslims. They fought over the Holy Land (Jerusalem).
    It was important because it introduced Europeans to new things.
  • Apr 28, 1348

    Black Death

    Black Death
    It is also known as the Black Plague. It is the Plague of the 1300's. It killed 1/3 of the European population; over 25 million people were killed in 5yrs. The nursery rhyme "Ring around the Rosey is about the Black Plague.
    It is important because it killed lots of people.
  • Apr 28, 1485

    King Henry's Divorce

    King Henry's Divorce
    King Henry's wife couldn't have a boy so he wants a divorce. KIng Henry asked the pope for a divorce but the Catholic Church didn't allow it. Henry removed England from the Catholic Church and set up the Angelican Church or the Church of England which he controlled.
  • Apr 28, 1487

    Dias Voyage

    Dias Voyage
    Bartolomey Dias was a student of Prince Henry's school. He believed that he could reach India by sailing around the tip of Africa . In 1487, he led an expedition to reach India but he only made it to South Africa.
    It was important because he inspired others to come up with better ways to reach India.
  • Apr 28, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    The famous Christopher Columbus was an italian and he believed you could sail west to reach the east. He had 3 ships which King Ferdinand and Queen isabell gave him Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria. He never made it to the US but he made it to the Carridean.
    It was important because he discovered America.
  • Apr 28, 1497

    Vasco da Gama Voyage

    Vasco da Gama Voyage
    Vasco Da Gama was important for sailing around the tip of South Africa.
  • Apr 28, 1513

    Ponce de Leon Explores Florida

    Ponce de Leon Explores Florida
    Juan Ponce de Leon was the first conquistador to explore the modern-day US. He was a Spanish explorer and he led the first European Expidition to Florida.
    It was important because he was the first person to explore Florida.
  • Apr 28, 1517

    Posting of the 95 Theses

    Posting of the 95 Theses
    Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church. This marked the beggining of the Drotestant Reformation. The pope demanded Luther recant his 95 theses;Luther refused. Then he began his own church.
  • Apr 28, 1518

    Cortes Defeat of Aztects

    Cortes Defeat of Aztects
    In 1518, cortez went to Mexico trying to find gold. He got what he wanted but he brought diseases to the Aztecs which dstroyed the entrire empire.
  • Apr 28, 1536

    Anne Boleyn Beheaded

    Anne Boleyn Beheaded
    Henry married her after he couldn't have a boy with his ex-wife. So, they got married but she didn't have a boy she had a daughter and named her Elizabeth. So he had her beheaded.
  • Jamestown est.

    Jamestown est.
    In 1607, King James 1st gave 144 men permission to start a colony in Virginia. It was named Jamestown in honor of him. However, it doesn't go so well. The land is very swampy and not good. In 1608, 200 more colonists arrive and by 1609 only 53 people remain.
    Its very important because its the very first colony.
  • New York est.

    New York est.
    In 1664, King Charles from England claimed New Netherlands as his own. He named it for his brother, Duke of York. In,1702 New Jersey split from New York.
  • Massachusetts Bay est.

    Massachusetts Bay est.
    Massachusetts discovered many different goods like fish,pumpkin,livestock,ships,etc. Some colonists were involved in whaling. The puritans came to Massachusetts for religious freedom. Those were the people who founded Masachusetts.
    It was important because it was founded under a royal charachter.
  • Carolinas est.

    Carolinas est.
    In 1663, Carolina colony was established in 1729. The split into North & South Carolina. They sent Native Americans to the Carribean as slaves.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was fought between France and England. They both wanted control over the Ohio River Valley. The Ohio River Valley was already claimed by Indian Tribes and none were willing to give land.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    Parliament placed a tax on sugar. The colonists weren't happy. James Otis saying was "no taxation without representation".
    It's important since James Otis was right and the colonists saw that and agreed.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    The Stamp Act in 1765 was placed by parliament. They placed a tax on printed material. It had been the first direct tax on the colonists. They started to boycott and it made a huge impact on the British Economy. It then reapeted in 1766.
    It's important because it showed that they could work together.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston tea Party was the tax on tea in 1773. It required the colonists to only purchase British East India company Tea and they taxed it. On December 16, 1773 the sons of liberty dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor.
    It was important because it was showing they weren't going to do what was told.
  • 1st Cotinential congress

    1st Cotinential congress
    On September 5, 1774 the 1st cotinential congress met in Philadelphia. There was a total of 55 delegates from the 12 colonies since Georgia wasn't represented. During that time the Declaration of Rights & Grievance was written. They had decided to meet again in a year.
    It's important because it's what helped them become independent.
  • Battle of Lexington-Concord

    Battle of Lexington-Concord
    On April 18,1775 British troops began to Boston Concord. Concord had a militia supply depot & the British wanted to take it before the colonists did. The next morning the British arrive & kill 8 colonists.
    It was important because it was the 1st battle of the American Revolution.
  • olive branch petition

    olive branch petition
    The Olive Branch Petition in 1775 was when the continental congress adopts the Olive Branch Petition written by John Dickson. It appeals directly to King George and expresses hope for recognition.
    Its important because it told King George what they wanted.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty of Paris took place in 1783. It negociated between the USA & Great British ended the revolutionary war & recognized American indepedence.
    It's important because it ended the war & the US was free.
  • louis and cark expedition

    louis and cark expedition
    Indians collected plant and animal cells and math geography of the west. It was a turning point for the midwest. In 1803 President Jefferson purchased Louisiana territory from France which almost doubled the size of the United States. Lewis and Clark want to find a Northwest Passage. Congress helped by funding 25 hundred dollars. On november 15 they reached the pacific ocean.
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    It was the war against Britain. Bristish attempts to restrict U.S. trade. Royale Navy's imprisonment of American sailors & Americans longing to expand it's territory. Fighting began in July the same year.
  • trail of tears

    trail of tears
    In 1838 and 1839 as part of Andrew Jackson's indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up it's land east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in Present-day Oklahoma
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    In spring of 1846, a group of nearly 90 emigrants left Springfield, Illinois and headed west. It was lead by Jacob and George Donner. They decided to take a new route to California. They son came across rough and numerous days. They became trapped by heavy snow and were very cold.
  • California Gold rush

    California Gold rush
    John Sutter was the first person to find gold. He didn't want anyone to know because he was affraid that it was take his workers away from the field. But, then word got out and everyone was in California looking for gold.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    All citezens were required to return any runaway slaves. Aiding a fugitive would result in 1,000 dollar fine and/or 6 months in jail. Judges recieve 10 dollars for each slave that is returned.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred scott was a slave of a military doctor. The doctor died; dred said he was free . The doctors family comes to collect their inheritance- including dred. Dred scott tries to sue but the supreme court says slaves are property.
  • John Brown Raids

    John Brown Raids
    John Brown was a radical abolitiononist. He wanted to start a slave rebeellion. He planed to raid the arsenal at Harper's Ferry,VA & give the weapons to the slaves. No one told the slaves about the plan so none of the slaves showed up. So Brown and his sons were captured.
  • Battle of Getysburg

    Battle of Getysburg
    The war was in Pennsylvania. Gen. Robert E. Lee led offensive attack the 2nd day of fighting Gen. Chamberlainihill secured. 3rd day of fighting Gen. Pickett attacked the ridge but union forced confederate to retreat.
  • Gettysburg adress

    Gettysburg adress
    They were given a declaration of the Gettysburg cemetry