"A Sound of Thunder" Daniela Ledezma

  • The Sound of Thunder

    Eckles, Mr. Travis, and other hunters go on a Safari to the past
  • The Sound of Thunder

    Eckles and the hunters talk about how they are going to the past in a time machine and kill the Tyrannosaurus rex.
  • A Sound of Thunder

    When they got back to their present time, everything changed, the language was different, and the president was not Keith, it was Deutscher. Eckles while running off the path he stepped on a butterfly, and that made the butterfly effect and changed the whole future. Then Travis got his rifle and shot Eckles.
  • The Sound of Thunder

    They got into the time machine and started to go back to the past; A. D. 2019. 1999. 1957
  • The Sound of Thunder

    They got to the jungle sixty million two thousand and fifty-five years before President Keith.
  • The Sound of Thunder

    Going onto their path to kill the Tyrannosaurus rex, Mr. Travis was explaining to Eckles what will happen if they kill or change something from the past it will affect the future.
  • The Sound of Thunder

    While on their path, they come across the Tyrannosaurus rex, Eckles started to freak out when the T-rex got close to them and he ran out of the path. Then, Mr. Travis shot the T-rex and marked it with a "x" and took out the bullets to leave no trace behind to affect the future events.
  • The Sound of Thunder

    Mr. Travis got infuriated with Eckles because he ruined the path and said they will forfeit the thousands of dollars of insurance. Then, they got back into the time machine and went back to their present time.