
The Shakers

By arih971
  • Beginning

    The Shakers began in 1747 in Manchester, England. They followed Mother Ann Lee to the U.S.
  • Family

    Families in the shaker community were not really known as families. The males and females were known as brothers and sisters instead of fellow citizens. Each family had 100 believers. In the community there were 6 families. The six families were: Church, Second, East, West, North, and South. Ever family would meet at the church on Sunday for church.
  • Religion

    The Shakers converted into Protestant Christains when they moved to Hancock. Protestant Christians practice a mix of other religions, traditions, and groups. In 1774, they attracted other religions to convert to their religion. The Shakers wanted to live a perfect life as Christians. Their religion was based off of purity.
  • The Hancock Village

    The Hancock Village
    The Shakers arrived in Hancock in the late 1780's. Around that time there were 100 believers. By the 1800's there were over 300 believers.
  • Departure

    The Shakers left Hancck in 1959.
  • Today

    Today, there are a few shakers living in Maine.