The Roaring 20's

  • Dancing

    Since alcohol was banned, dancing became more popular in the 1920's. The original dance moves were the waltz and foxtrot. Later the tango and charleston came in and were big in movies.
  • First Radio Broadcast

    First Radio Broadcast
    The first radio broadcast was on November 2, 1920. The first radio broadcast was over the Presidental Election.
  • Mickey Mouse was created

    Mickey Mouse was created
    On Novebmer 18, Steamboat Willie premieres and added a new character to Disney, Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse is still used in childrens shows today.
  • Model-T

    Henry Ford found the Ford Motor Company. Later he produced the first motor vehicle that brought much use to many people.
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    She was famous for breaking mainly flying records. She mysteriously disappeared over the Alantic Ocean, during her attempt to fly around the world.
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    Marcus Gravey was an African American leader who organized and led UNIA. He helped the Jamacians and African Americans by given them economic and cultural independence.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    This was an oil scandal in Wyoming. It was a secret leasing of naval oil reserve lands to private compainies. They call it the teapot because next to the field was a rock that looked like a teapot.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    In the early 1920's alcohol was banned from everyone and all places in the untied states of america. I caused speakeasies and people who enjoy a drink to break the laws.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    This was when the United States economy boomed. The stock market experienced a "Black Hole" and stocks didn't last for long.
  • St. Valentines Day Massacre

    St. Valentines Day Massacre
    Al Capone spread a lot of violence in Chicago. There were 227 gansters were killed in a span of 4 years. 7 members of the O'Banion Gang were killed by gansters dressed as cops.