the roaring 20's

  • Period: to

    the roaring 20's

  • League of Nations established

    The League of Nations is established with the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, the United States vote against joining the union.
  • Women get the right to vote

    Women are given the right to vote when the 19th Amendment to the United States constitution grants universal women's suffrage.
  • Stop illegal immigration

    A national quota system on the amount of incoming immigrants is established by the United States Congress in the Emergency Quota Act, curbing legal immigration.
  • the Five Power Disarmament Treaty

    Major world powers of the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, and the United States, to limit naval construction, outlaw poison gas, restrict submarine attacks on merchant fleets and respect China's sovereignty.
  • Warren G. Harding dies

    President Warren G. Harding dies in office after becoming ill following a trip to Alaska, and is succeeded by his Vice President, Calvin Coolidge. They oppose the League of Nations, but approved of the World Court.
  • Indians/ Native Americans are US Citizens

    June 2, 1924 - All Indians are designated citizens by legislation passed in the U.S. Congress. Native Americans born in the US are granted US citizenship.
  • Calvin Coolidge wins election

    November 4, 1924 - Calvin Coolidge wins his first election as President, the white house remains republican.
  • First Woman Governor

    January 5, 1925 - Nellie Tayloe Ross is inaugurated as the first woman governor of the United States in Wyoming.
  • Inventing Radio Network

    The NBC Radio Network is formed by Westinghouse, General Electric, and RCA, opening with twenty-four stations.
  • US Marines protect land in China

    The civil war in China prompts one thousand United States marines to land in order to protect property of United States interests.
  • Mississippi River Floods

    The Great Mississippi Flood occurs, affecting over 700,000.
  • Hoover wins Presidential election

    Herbert Hoover wins election as President of the United States with an Electoral College victory, 444 to 87 over Democratic candidate Alfred E. Smith, the Catholic governor of New York.
  • St. Valentines Day Massacre

    In Chicago, Illinois, gangsters working for Al Capone kill seven rivals and citizens in the act known as the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    The Teapot Dome scandal comes to a close when Albert B. Fall, the former Secretary of the Interior, is convicted of accepting a $100,000 bribe for leasing the Elk Hills naval oil reserve. He is sentenced to one year in jail and a $100,000 fine.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Postwar prosperity ends in the 1929 Stock Market crash. The plummeting stock prices led to losses between 1929 and 1931 of an estimated $50 billion and started the worst American depression in the nation's history.