The Rights of ALL

By 00gray
  • William Lloyd Garrison launches The Liberator

    William Lloyd Garrison launches The Liberator
    The Liberator clarified the position of the New Abolitionists.
  • Nat Turner Leads a Slave Rebellion in Virginia

    Nat Turner Leads a Slave Rebellion in Virginia
    The Rebel slaves killed people in this than in other rebellion in the southern states
  • American Anti-Slavery founded in Boston

    American Anti-Slavery founded in Boston
    An abolistionist society founded by William Lloyd Garrison
  • Sarah Grimke's Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women

    Sarah Grimke's Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women
    The sisters thought womens rights was just as important as abolishing slavery.
  • Henry Highland Garnet's "Address to the Slaves on the United States of America"

    Henry Highland Garnet's "Address to the Slaves on the United States of America"
    The speech called for open rebellion and failed by one vote.
  • Frederick Douglass published the North Star

    Frederick Douglass published the North Star
    An anti slavery newspaper inspired by the Liberator.
  • Womes's Rights convention at Senaca Falls, New York.

    Womes's Rights convention at Senaca Falls, New York.
    A convention to the social, civil, and religious condition of rights of women.
  • Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery

    Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery
    Harriet Tubman had a fear that she would be sold, so she escaped with many other slaves.
  • Fugitive Slave Act passed

    Fugitive Slave Act passed
    The decreed that slaves in the north are to be returned to their masters in the south.
  • Sofourner Thruth's "Ain't I a Woman?" speech

    Sofourner Thruth's "Ain't I a Woman?" speech
    A big part in the women's rights movement.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This novel "layed the groundwork for the civil war".
  • Civil war in Kansas known as "Bleeding Kansas"

    Civil war in Kansas known as "Bleeding Kansas"
    A conflict between pro and anti slavery Americans.
  • Republican Party founded

    Republican Party founded
    A party found by anti slavery activists with the first president being Abraham Lincoln.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act passed
    This allowed the territories to decide for themselves if they wanted slavery elminating the misourri comprise.
  • Charles Sumner beating

    Charles Sumner beating
    Charles Sumner was beaten for his views on slavery. This was the end of "Reasoned dicourse".
  • Supreme Court's Fred Scott decision

    Supreme Court's Fred Scott decision
    The Supreme Court stated that Blacks were not going to be American citizens.
  • Lincoln-Douglass debate

    Lincoln-Douglass debate
    Debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglass about slavery and moral
  • Lecompton Constitution rejected by Congress

    Lecompton Constitution rejected by Congress
    A document giving right to slave owners but was rejected by anti slavery activists
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    This election, where Lincoln won, was the very beginning of the civil war with several states succeeding for the U.S.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Family

    John Brown's Raid on Harper's Family
    John Brown and his men raided an armory for revenge