The Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Lexington and Concord

    The first battle of the War. Fought between the Continental Minutemen and the Red coats. Minutemen ambushed the British all the way back to concord using gorilla tactics and won the opening battle.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Meeting held in Philidalphia, in which the Patriots create the continental army. And appoint General George Washington to command it.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The patroits built a larger dirt mound as cover from the British. As the British advanced the colonists massacred them. Evenetuallly the patriots were driven back due to a lack of ammunition. Major confidence boost for the colonists.
  • Thomas Paine Publishes Common Sense

    Thomas Paine Publishes Common Sense
    Pamphlet written that inspired the people of the 13 colonies to fight for independence from Britain . Got the people on the war path.
  • The Virginia Decleration of Rights

    The Virginia Decleration of Rights
    Document written cheifly by George Mason, stated that men had inherent rights. One of which was the right to rebel against and "inadequate" government.
  • The first Virginia Constitution

    The first Virginia Constitution
    Document that defined and limited the power of the state governments and outlined the basic rights of US Americans.
  • The US Decleration of Independence

    The US Decleration of Independence
    Document that regarded the 13 colonies as independent and soverign nations. And officially broke all poltical rule from Great Britian. Created America officially.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    Washingtons army is defeated and pushed back to manhattan. General Howe continues to push back Washingtons forces until he captures New York.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington led his forces across the Delware on Christmas night, attacks the sleeping Hessians and causes 1000 to surrender. Marks the first time the Americans were on the offensive, and starts to develop guerilla warfare tactics.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    General Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold defeat Burgoyne's forces at Saratoga using Gorilla tactics and avoiding the norm of a gentlemens war. Howe resigns from his position as the leader. Marks the turning point in the war.
  • Washington Beds down at Valley Forge

    Washington Beds down at Valley Forge
    With the winter approaching, Washington settles with 12 thousand soldiers. Within 3 months 1/4 are dead. Baron von Sturoeben instills discipline and formally trains the remaining troops all winter.
  • The French Turn the Tides

    The French Turn the Tides
    The Patriots gain an alliance with France due to their victory at Saratoga. They seek the sugar islands and revenge for the war for empire. Supply provisions and troops to help swing the war in the colonists favor.
  • Britain seiges Savannah

    Britain seiges Savannah
    The Redcoats start an attack on the southern colonies effectively trying to coral the rebelious northerners. The British captured Savannah in an attempt to break the colonies by attacking their food and money.
  • Spain Joins the Fight

    Spain Joins the Fight
    Spain declares war on Great Britian. They do this to reclaim Florida and the strategic port of Gibraltar. Send their naval fleet and push the British North.
  • Philipsburg Proclimation

    Philipsburg Proclimation
    Policy put in place by the British stating that any slave that fleed their masters and reached British lines would be protected from their masters. The goal was to get rid of the workers and cause economic and social hardships for the colonies.
  • The seige of Charleston

    The seige of Charleston
    Major battle at the end of the war during the British southern strategy in which the British captured Charleston. Made a major dent in the economy and morale of the American troops.
  • Nathaneal Greene in Control

    Nathaneal Greene in Control
    George Washington names Nathaneal Greene the commander of the southern continental army.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    First attempt at the Colonies to organize a government. Was the glue that held them together until the constitution. Many many many flaws.
  • Guilford County Courthouse

    Guilford County Courthouse
    Battle results in a draw. The patriots retreat but cornwallace loses many men, supplies, and morale.
  • Surrender at Yorktown

    Surrender at Yorktown
    General Cornwallis is surrounded by the Americans and Surrenders. Ended the War.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    Treaty between America and Britian that established that America was an independent nation. America benifitted heavily, while everyone else didnt gain much.
  • Consititution Ratified

    Consititution Ratified
    Constitution is drafted and ratified after New hampshire becomes the 9th state to sanction it. Binds the colonies and creates proper governance.