The Revolutionary War before and After

  • French and Indian War Begins

    The French and Indian war begins in the colonies over land disputes
  • French and Indian War Ends

    French and Indian war ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris
  • Proclamation Line of 1763 is Established

    Proclamation Line is established to stop colonist from moving further west.
  • Sugar Act is passed

    Sugar Act raises the taxes of raw imports of sugar and molasses
  • Currency Act is passed

    Currency Act banned the use of paper currency
  • Stamp Act is passed

    Parliament passes the stamp act which makes colonist pay for any paper that is published because it needs a stamp.
  • Townsend Act passed

    Townsend Act put new taxes on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea.
  • Virginia Resolve passed

    Virginia Resolve states that only the House of Burgess's could tax Virginians.
  • Boston Massacre

    British troops fire on colonist in Boston because of the tax protest.
  • Britain Repealed all Townsend Acts but Tea

    Britain Repeals all Townsend Acts but Tea because of the Boston Massacre
  • Gaspee Affair

    smuggling colonist were seized and burned on a ship named the Gaspee
  • Boston Tea Party

    colonist disguised as Indians hid on the docks and got on a boat and dumped 342 chest of tea into the Boston harbor
  • Coercive Acts

    Boston Port Act: shut downs Bostons ports until the city payed for the tea that was dumped into the harbor.
    Massachusetts Government Act: No town meeting without the governors consent and required all officials to be appointed by the governors.
    Administration of Justice Act: Allowed British soldiers and officials to be transferred to Britain for protection.
    Quartering Act: Required people do lodge British troops at the scene of a disturbance.
  • First Continental Congress

    55 delegates met for the First Continental Congress and issued the Declaration of Rights and Grievances
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    Second Continental Congress meets, spoke on the issues of defense and adopted the militia and named it the Continental Army
  • Continental Congress send Olive Branch Petition

    Continental Congress sends the Olive Branch Petition to the king asking for the king to call off hostiles until it could be negotiated peacefully
  • King issued the Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition

    declares that colonist were now and rebellion called for loyal british subjects to "Bring traitors to Justice"
  • Prohibitory Act Passed

    Prohibitory Act shuts down trade with the colonies and ordered a naval blockade.
  • First shots fired at Lexington and Concord

    First shots of war are fired at Lexington and Concord. British lost to the colonist use of guerrilla warfare.
  • Thomas Paine published Common Sense

    Published Common Sense a document that attacked king george rather than parliament.
  • Declaration of Independence is Signed

    Declaration of Independence is Signed telling britain that it is a free country from Britan.
  • Battle of White Plains

    Washington led an army across the Delaware River and attacked a camp
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Colonist make General Burgoyne surrender at Saratoga. This got the French to aid the colonist in fighting for independence.
  • British Captured South Carolina

    Largest city in the south was taken by the British Americans surrendered and 5,500 were taken prisoner, the greatest American defeat.
  • Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

    Cornwallis surrenders marking the end of the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris is signed

    Treaty of Paris is signed recognizing the independence of the United States.