The Postwar United States, 1945-1968

  • Post War United States

    This time period was mostly about how life was for Americans after the war. After the war the population had rapidly increased, segregation was being protested against, and John F. Kennedy became president. During this time period a lot had changed for Americans.
  • Period: to

    The Postwar United States, 1945-1968

  • The baby boom begins

    The baby boom begins
  • Jackie Robinson Inspires Integrated Sports

    Jackie Robinson Inspires Integrated Sports
    Jackie Robinson played for the Brooklyn Dodgers and they become the first integrated team.
  • Arts and entertainment

    It was a great time period of when the music and technology advanced and Tv's were in everybodys houshold.
  • he was elected to the US Senate

    he was elected to the US Senate
  • Television Becomes Popular

    Television Becomes Popular
    The television is becoming more popular and is becoming more common in average households.
  • Primary source 1 Tv in America

    It talked about how the music advanced and how they invented the TV. It was very important time in the Arts and Entertainment part of it.
  • he was almost picked to run for vice president.

    he was almost picked to run for vice president.
  • The sit ins began

    The sit ins began
    On this day four black students began a protest at a Woolworth lunch counter.
  • Kennedy won the presidential election by a very narrow margin

     Kennedy won the presidential election by a very narrow margin
  • primary sources

    On early november 1960 this letter was from John F Kennedy to clair boothe thanking her for a good luck coin. He was telling her hoe greatful he was to receive the coin.
  • JFK become president

    JFK become president
    John F. Kennedy beat Nixon in the president election
  • Kennedy defeated the Republican Vice President Richard M. Nixon in a very close race

    Kennedy defeated the Republican Vice President Richard M. Nixon in a very close race
    Kennedy defeated the Republican Vice President Richard M. Nixon in a very close race
  • A poet at the Inauguration by Robert Frost

    This poem was written by Robert Frost because president John F. Kennedy had asked him to write/ read something for his inauguration. The poem is mainly about how many of the presidents before John F. Kennedy had done great things. Also, it was about the change that JFK planned on bringing to Americans.
  • subtopic

    In early march 1963 kennedy challenged americans by thinking of ways they can serve. Also it explains that kennedy had 118,000 more votes than nixon. Then it explains how kennedy had won votes of many traditional democratic voters.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    This is when MLK jr. lead a march to Washington D.C. to protest against blacks not having rights and freedom.
  • 1963 JFK is assassinated

    1963 JFK is assassinated
    John F. kennedy was riding in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas as he got shot.
  • he was U.S. senator from New York from 1965 to 1968.

  • MLK was assassinated

    MLK was assassinated
    Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot while he was staying at a hotel.
  • Conclusion

    This time is important because there was many things happing such as inovations to things also how JFK was shot and things like how we got to the moon.