
The Portal radio update

  • surprise update : 2 PM

    surprise update : 2 PM
    A cryptic update for Portal is released and users notice a strange new achievement and go in game to find out what it means, it is then discovered the radios have lights on them and play strange sounds, including Morse code, under certain circumstances.
  • Morse code and images come from the sound files in the update - 3 - 4 PM

    Morse code and images come from the sound files in the update - 3 - 4 PM
    'Images decoded' postTech - savvy players of the game start extracting files and taking a closer look, them Morse code reveals a computer boot up sequence, the images contain much deeper meanings...(see links)
  • Phone number decoded from images - 5 PM

    Phone number decoded from images - 5 PM
    A phone number is decoded from the images numbers and they are coded into HEX code format, which leads to the discovery of a Washington phone number, near an old VALVe office location.
  • Forum user 'n00bl3s' travels to location of phone number - 9 - 10 PM

    Forum user 'n00bl3s' travels to location of phone number - 9 - 10 PM
    Forum postA user on the Steam forums by the name of 'n00bl3s' travels to the location, finding nothing of importance other then an office building that rents out space, a possible location for the server (UNCONFIRMED) As it is discovered the number is a modem not a phone connection attempts begin...
  • Period: to

    3.1 - 3.4

  • First connection made with ' GLAD0S' - 12 AM

    A user connects to the 'GLAD0S' server and finds a log in dialogue, the search for the user name and password begins...
  • Text - art found in server as first user logs in - 1 - 2 AM

    Text - art found in server as first user logs in - 1 - 2 AM
    all the text art colored and enhancedAs we get our first glimps of the post log in screen tons of text - art is found, containing hints on many levels...
  • C Johnson's memos found on BBS server - 5 - 6 AM

    Memos from C Johnson, the CEO of aperture science are found in the BBS server, and reveal a lot in the storyline...
  • First theory video with citation is posted - 11 PM

    Video - youtubeThe first videobased on information provided in the update is released and causes a stir on the forums, and other sites.
  • New text - art found - 4 - 5 AM

    New text art is found on the BBS server after hours of down time on the server,
  • Ending of Portal changed drastically - 3 - 4 PM

    A new ending is released on portal which features the player being dragged off by an android after saying"thank you for assuming the party escort position."
  • Sound files 'voices' become clearer - ONGOING

    Audio cleaning on the WikiAs more advanced tecneques are used on the audio files, more distinct voices are being found, this part of the investigation is ongoing, and you can keep up with it in the link....
  • Progress bar for 'something' found on BBS - 12 -1 PM

    Progress bar for 'something' found on BBS - 12 -1 PM
    A progress bar that seems to be loading new data to the BBS server was gound apon a log into the server around 12 PM today, it is unknown what information is in this server update, The estimation is that it will finish loading on the 5th at 8 AM
  • UPDATE! Cave Johnson memeos updated - ? PM/AM

    today Cave's memos were updated, including this a memo that hints to him still being able to think and function electronicly after death.