The Outsiders Timeline 1950-1970

  • The Hydrogen Bomb

    The Hydrogen Bomb
    It was from 1950 to 1952 that Harry Truman approves the hydrogen bomb. He also sends the American Air Force and Navy to Korea in June. *U
  • Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952

    Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952
    The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 removes ethnic barriers to becoming a US citezen.
  • Korean War Ends

    Korean War Ends
    War against Canada and Korea finally comes to an end.
  • Rosa Parks in Montgomery

    Rosa Parks in Montgomery
    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a public bus in Montgomery.
  • The Final Two

    The Final Two
    Alaska and Hawuaii become part of the US and are the last two states who finished creating the 50.
  • Laserz!!!!!

    Lazers were now invented.
  • The Fisrt Presidential Debate on TV!

    The Fisrt Presidential Debate on TV!
    The first presidential debate was televised. It was John F. Kennedy against Richard M. Nixon
  • Men's Dreams Lost

    Men's Dreams Lost
    Marilyn Monroe was found dead.
  • Wall of Shame

    Wall of Shame
    The first man tried to cross over the Berlin wall but failed and got killed.
  • The Carribbean Crisis

    The Carribbean Crisis
    The Russians were going to bomb an island on the Carribbean sea named Cuba ans the US were the only ones who can save them.
  • The Death of Kennedy

    The Death of Kennedy
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy is assassinated and unfortunantly he did not survive.
  • Nelson is Imprisoned

    Nelson is Imprisoned
    Nelson Mandela is sent to prison for 5 years.
  • Currency in UK

    Currency in UK
    The United Kingdom changes to the dicimal system for currency.
  • Abortion Legalized

    Abortion Legalized
    The US has legalized abortion evrywhere throughout the states.
  • Kidnapping

    Paul Getty gets kidnapped on Juky 10th 1973.
  • Managable Microsoft

    Managable Microsoft
    The Microsoft Company was founded and changed the lives of everyone.
  • Star Wars was released

    Star Wars was released
    Star Wars was finally released and the great saga the whole world knows finally began.
  • Elvis Found Dead

    Elvis Found Dead
    Elvis was found dead because of cardiac arrhythmia which means his heart was beating irregularly and in that case it stopped.
  • Steve Biko Tortured to Death

    Steve Biko Tortured to Death
    South African Anti-Apartheid Leader Steve Biko Tortured to Death
  • The New Pope

    The New Pope
    John Paul II becomes Pope