The Outsiders

  • Ponyboy went to movie

    Ponyboy walked to the bright sunlight from the movie house, and he was thinking two things: Paul Newman and go home. Pony boy hate socs who have green eyes, he has long hair because greasers are proud of long hairs. Pony boy likes to read his own books and watch his own movies. But all of the people around him are different.
  • 2.pony boy went to movie

    For example, his brother soda and darry, they always worked for the company. Soda tried to understand me more than Darry does. And soda is different, he almost understand everything. Pony boy loves soda more than loves his parents. Greasers can not go out alone because they always get jumped by socs. Greasers are poorer than socs, so they are happy to fight with greasers. At that moment, a socs’ car was driven follow pony boy.
  • 3. pony boy went to movie

    That remains pony boy that Johnny was fought by socs when he was 16. Then socs got off of the car and tried to beat pony boy, at that time, darry and soda came there. Pony boy slept with soda that night.
  • They met two socs girls

    Then pony boy go to talk with cherry, and he thinks then have the same topic to chat. Johnny come back, dally want to disturb cherry again but Johnny prevent him. Actually, cherry likes dally. Pony boy and cherry go together to buy popcorns. Cherry asks pony boy something about Johnny, pony boy tells cherry that Johnny was hurt by socs. Cherry says every socs are like that. Then they go back to movie house.
  • after the movie

    Suddenly, their boyfriends(bob and randy) drive a blue mustang to find these two girls. But cherry and Marcia don’t want their boyfriends fins them, so they just stand there and cherry asks pony boy something about his oldest brother. However, their boyfriends recognize them. These greasers argue with their boyfriends, then cherry and Marcia go back with their boyfriends.
  • after the movie

    Pony boy go home late, so Darrel yell at him and beat him. Pony boy is so angry that he run to the lot and see Johnny. Pony boy with johnny hang out and calm down.
  • They met teo scos girls

    Dally is waiting for Johnny and pony boy at a street corner. And they go to Movie Theater together. They met two beautiful girl who are cherry and Marcia. And both of them are socs. Dally go to disturbing these two girls. Cherry gets mad, Marcia pretended not to hear dally. Dally is getting impatient and say some bad words, cherry hate him, and want him to go. Dally go.
  • after the movie

    After the movie, they send cherry and socs home, pony boy and cherry are discussing the differences between socs and greasers, and cherry says ‘you greasers have a different set of value, and you are more emotional. We are sophisticated. They talk about many things and the sunset. Maybe the two different worlds they lived in weren’t so different. They saw the same sunset.
  • johnny kill bob

    They went to the lot, it is empty, and pony boy feels cold. At that time, bob, randy and three socs come. They want to kill pony boy and Johnny. One of these socs put pony boy’s head into water, pony boy is breathless. When he recover his mind, Johnny has already killed bob. Johnny doesn’t want to kill him on purpose. He is just self defense.
  • ponyboy and johnny run away

    Pony boy and Johnny want to run away to avoid the police. So they go to find dally. Dally give them money and gun. And he also give pony boy a jacket because the place they will go to is very cold. They go to winderixville by train, and then, they go to a church on the jay mountain. After they get there, they sleep on the floor.
  • the second day they get there

    When pony boy wake up, it is afternoon. He find Johnny is disappeared. Then he sees the note that Johnny said he went shopping. Johnny bring some food and GONE WITH THE WIND. Johnny gives ponyboy a new hair cut.
  • nothing gold can stay

    And the next several days, they spent time on reading that book. One day, pony boy wake up early and he watch the sunrise, Johnny is also think it is beautiful. But ‘nothing gold can stay’. Pony boy remember that poem: Nature's first green is gold. Her hardest hue to hold, Her early leaf's a flower;
    But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides leaf, So Eden sank to grief. So dawn gose down to day, Nothing gold can stay.
  • Johnny wans to confess his crime

    Cherry thinks all of the things because of her, so she is willing to prove Johnny is innocent to the court. Johnny wants to confess his crime. Dally talks him into his idea.
  • Dally come to see pony boy and johnny(the fifth day)

    Dally come to visit ponyboy and Johnny, they ask him some questions about the police, dally says they are safety now, dally also bring a letter from soda to ponyboy. It says how darry feels sorry. Dally also tell them greasers and socs will have a duel in the lot tomorrow evening. Cherry is greasers’ spy.
  • The church is on fire

    At that time, they find the church is on fire. They go into the church to save the children who are in the fire church. During that time, they get hurt but the children has been saved. Johnny get a serious hurt. When they recover their mind, they are on the ambulance. Jerry says they are hero, they says they are greasers, but jerry may not believe them. Then darry and soda come, darry apologize to ponyboy, darry is scared to loss ponyboy. Finally they go home.
  • chapter 7

    Pony, Darry and Sodapop are waited in the hospital and worried about Dally and Johnny. Then the police and reporters arrived and asked them some questions. The doctor told them Dally would be okay after two or three days, but Johnny is in critical condition. Pony is very upset, he cannot imagine if Johnny died.
  • chapter7

    Randy came to Pony's house, he just want to talk. Pony still believe Randy will do the same thing. Randy adds that he is tired of the violence, but knows that he will be “marked chicken” if he does not take part in the rumble, still planned for later in the evening.After the conversation, Pony decides that “Socs were just guys.”
  • The reasons why we choose these sections in chapter7

    Pony is terribly concerned for Johnny,Pony has realized that his oldest brother has always acted towards him out of love and concern, when the authorities are considering breaking up the family by sending Soda and Pony to live at a boy's home.Darry, hoping that it will not happen and wanting to spare Pony any pain, does not tell him about the possibility.
  • chapter7

    The second day morning, Two-bit and Steve came to Pony's house, and Pony, Johnny and Dally became hero, and they are all in newspaper, the title is "Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes.", Cherry Valence tells the truth to the reporters, stating that Bob is very drunk on the night of his murder.Randy Adderson admits to the authorities that the Socs caused the fight and that Pony and Johnny are only fighting back in self-defense.Steve said Pony might be sent boy's home, but Pony is really against it.
  • chapter8

    Pony and Two-Bit walk to the hospital to see Johnny. Johnny asks for some hair oil and a copy of Gone with the Wind, which Two-Bit goes out to purchase. Pony is left to visit with his friend, whom he senses is close to death. He tells Johnny about the rumble, which is to take place later that night. The nurse interrupts to tell Johnny that his mother has come to see him.Johnny refuses to see her and then gets so agitated that he faints.
  • the reasons why I choose these sections in chapter9

    In this chapter, both Johnny and Pony are frightened by the thought that Johnny is close to death. In an effort to ignore the truth and pretend that everything is fine, Johnny does not want to think about dying, for he is only sixteen and wants to see more of the world.In a bitter vein, Pony comments how for sixteen years they have learned and seen a lot, but it has not been the right things. Johnny refuses to see his mother because she has never cared about him.
  • chapter9

    Pony, Soda, Darry, Steve, and Two-Bit prepare for the rumble. The Greasers are joined by Tim Shepard and his boys and Brumly's gang.To everyone's surprise, Dally also arrives to join the fight.
    When the Socs arrive at the vacant lot, Darry and Paul, a Soc, begin the fighting. Before long everyone is entangled. Pony and several others fighting with the Greasers are badly beaten up, but the Socs suffer even greater damage. Before long, the Socs run away.
  • chapter9

    Dally tells Pony that they have to go to the hospital to see Johnny, for his condition has deteriorated and he has asked for Pony.When they reach Johnny's side, Dally tells him that they won the rumble. Johnny's response is, “Useless...fighting's no good.” He next tells Pony, “Stay gold Pony." Johnny then dies. Dally is begging Johnny not to be dead.
  • chapter8

    While waiting for a bus to go home, Two-Bit realizes that Pony has a fever.Pony tells him not to tell Darry anything about it. He does not want anything to interfere with his being at the rumble later in the evening. The boys see Cherry, who tells them that the Socs are going to play by the rules at the fight; they will bring no weapons. Pony is a bit brusque with her, which hurts Cherry's feelings. In order to cheer her up, Pony asks her if the sunset is as beautiful on the west side of town as
  • the reasons why l choose these sections in chapter9

    The chapter ends on a dramatic, sentimental note with Johnny's death.When the doctor tries to prevent Pony and Dally from entering Johnny's room, Dally forces their way in by brandishing Two-Bit's switchblade.They arrive just in time, for Johnny is at the end.With his dying breath, he tells his friends that fighting is useless. He also encourages Pony to “stay gold,” to remain pure and innocent. Pony is touched by the parting of his friend, but Dally is enraged.了。 He pounds on the wall and runs
  • chapter10

    After Johnny's death, Dally phones Pony. He tells him that the police are after him for robbing a store and that he will be at the vacant lot in a minute. Everyone rushes to meet him. Dally has already arrived with the police. He stands under a street light, takes out his unloaded gun, and raises it towards the police. They open fire, and Dally crumples to the ground. Pony sees and faints.
  • chapter10

    When Pony wakes up, Pony finds that he is at home in bed over three days. He is overwhelmed by why lies ahead for him. He must make up all the schoolwork he has missed; he has to go to court about Bob's death; and he may be put in a boy's home.
  • the reasons why l choose these sections in chapter10

    l think it is a lot of sufferings for a sixteen year old boy to face all at once. The deaths of his best friends. he has missed lots of schoolwork that must be made up, that he must appear in court, and that he may be sent to a boy's home.
  • chapter11

    Pony will have a hearing about Bob's death, Randy comes and has promised that he will speak the truth at the hearing. He tells Pony not to worry, for Johnny was the one who had the knife and killed Bob. Pony, however, in his confused state, insists that he had the knife, that he killed Bob, and that Johnny is not dead, and pony hears the conversation between Dally and Randy and Pony is happy because he think Dally is care about him.
  • the reasons why l choose these sections in chapter11

    When Randy comes to see Pony, Pony still cannot believe Johnny had died, and he refuses to accept everything, we think it is hard for Pony to face the truth, it is a so much suffering for Pony.
  • chapter12

    The hearing ends, Randy and other Socs are just say the truth about that night.
  • chapter12

    Pony's school work is really bad, his English teacher says that he must get a C. At home, Pony has trouble concentrating on his school work and writing his theme for English. Soda, already upset over the loss of his girlfriend, cannot stand the shouting and runs out of the house. Pony and Darry go after him. When they catch upSoda tells them that he can no longer be “the middleman in a tug o' war” between the two of them. Darry and Pony make their peace, and they all go home.
  • chapter12

    After reading the letter, Pony finally accepts that Johnny is dead. He acknowledges that he has been denying his death as a defense mechanism against the hurt that he feels. He will always remember Johnny as a good friend who really listened to people and cared about their problems.
  • chapter12

    Still struggling with writing his English assignment, Pony picks up Johnny's copy of Gone with the Wind. A slip of paper falls from the book; it is a letter from Johnny. He again tells Pony to enjoy sunsets and remain “gold” forever. The letter closes with Johnny's reminder that there is still a lot of good in the world.
  • the reasons why l choose these section in chaper12

    Inspired by Johnny's words to him, Pony decides that he will adopt a mission for his life; he will tell everyone he can about the problems that underprivileged young people, like himself, must face everyday. He hopes that his explanations will bring about action and improvement for the poor children. When he makes this commitment, Pony feels more optimistic about his life than ever before; he no longer has a grudge against the world. As a result, the novel ends on a positive, optimistic note.