
The odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    The odyssey Book 1

    The odyssey Book 1
    Penelope is Odysseus.lover because Odysseus has been gone for a long time others are wanting Penelope to marry them and While odyssey is gone his wife is very beautiful so many Gods want her and there telling her to forget about odyssey but she refuses
  • 1200 BCE

    The odyssey Book 1

    The odyssey Book 1
    Odysseus was in the sea for many years he is trying to find his way home. and come to his wife and kids but it wont be that easy
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Odysseus has been held as a hostage by Calypso for 7 years
    Athene wants Zeus to give mercy to Odysseus, so he sends his messenger Hermes to Kalypso's islands to let Odysseus go.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Hermes went to go to tell Calypso that she has to let Odysseus go.
    she eventually gradually gives in and lets her go because zeus wants to give a reminder that he's the supreme ruler
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Calypso helps Odysseus build a raft he is s thrown by storms and ends up on Scheria. calypso offered odyssey immortality if he stays despite the temptation odyssey refuses he wants to go back home to his family
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    The Odyssey and his men are stranded on into shore they are now in the cyclopse territory
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odyssey has a plan to kill a cyclopse his plan is to give him bait which the bait were some of his men in the morning odyssey will get him drunk and when he passes it they will end up slicing a stick through his only eye
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odysseus tells his story Zeus sends out a huge storm leaving 6 of his men per ship dead finally, later on, they escape after Zeus horrible wrath and anger
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odysseus told the Cyclops that his name was Nohbdy so when the other Cyclops asked what was wrong he said that Nohbdy was hurting him this was so he can fool the cyclopse
  • 1198 BCE

    The odyssey Book 9

    The odyssey Book 9
    Odysseus and his men wereto be tied to the Cyclops's sheep so they can escape because the sheep walk around freely during the day. .
  • 1198 BCE

    The odyssey Book 9

    The odyssey Book 9
    The cyclops threw a huge rock at Odysseus to try to sink his ship but it didnt work
  • 1198 BCE

    The odyssey Book 9

    The odyssey Book 9
    Odysseus tells the Cyclops his real name, and the cyclops askhis father the GodPoseiden and asks that Odysseus never returns to his home and wishes him suffering for what he had done
  • 1197 BCE

    The odyssey Book 10

    The odyssey Book 10
    Eurylochus led his group inside into Circe's home, she got them drunk and then turned them into pigs to curse oddesus but oddesyus finds an alternative and turn his men back to normal
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    Odysseus and his crew sale to the home of Aeolia home of Aeolus
    king of the winds they get a pouch of strong wind they use it to speed the boat trip and now there close to there destination
    but goddess crew member opens the bag so now there offf there trail the men stay with a new nymph for a year
  • 1196 BCE

    The odyssey Book 11

    The odyssey Book 11
    Odysseus went to go talk to the prophet Tiresias. He traveled until he was able to reach the land of the dead.
  • 1196 BCE

    The odyssey Book 11

    The odyssey Book 11
    Oddesy asks the queen and king if they can help him get home they agree but only if he tells them about the land of the dead
  • 1195 BCE

    The odyssey Book 12

    The odyssey Book 12
    Getting past Scylla and Charybdis calls leadership on the part of Odysseus. Not only must he exercise proper judgment
  • 1195 BCE

    The odyssey Book 12

    The odyssey Book 12
    The last test of judgment in Odysseus' wanderings takes place at the island of Thrinacia, land of the Sun god Helios
  • 1195 BCE

    The odyssey Book 12

    The odyssey Book 12
    sea monsters comeScylla and Charybdis appear when Odysseus and his men are trying to get home again to there families
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 16

    Book 16
    Odysseus is now with the swineherd Telemachus also comes back and decided to go to the swineherd.
  • 1194 BCE

    The odyssey Book 16

    The odyssey Book 16
    whenOdysseus and Telemachus made a plan to disguise Odysseus and putis rivals down permanatley. Odysseus wants Telemachus to lock of his weapons away.
  • 1194 BCE

    The odyssey Book 16

    The odyssey Book 16
    Telemachus mom is weeping and she's on her last legs shes spending her time as a vulnerbale and scared women
  • 1193 BCE

    The odyssey Book 17

    The odyssey Book 17
    Penalopees son was thunderstruk by lightning and was teribly hurt durring the storm
  • 1193 BCE

    The odyssey Book 17

    The odyssey Book 17
    oddesus son is also crying salt tears because of his deppreiosn and whhat he has been through latley Argos is a dog he saw Odysseus Odysseus saw him and he was upset on he was being treated Eumaeus told him that the dog is upset and is in morning because oddesus hasnt been home in many years
  • 1192 BCE

    The odyssey Book 21

    The odyssey Book 21
    Odysseus Goes to find swineherd once he does he says to him and Cowher that he's actually oddesus and how he's just in disguise he asks them to close and lock all the gates of the castle. He also tells them to keep the children and the women in saftey and no matter how much tragedy or screams they hear they should stay in side for there own sake
  • 1192 BCE

    The odyssey Book 21

    The odyssey Book 21
    Odysseus servants and his men now believe it's Odysseus when they see his athletisim they stay loyal too him he proved it was him by shooting the arrows straight into the circles
  • 1192 BCE

    The odyssey Book 21

    The odyssey Book 21
    Penelope is still sad about Odysseus she doesn't yet know if the old man is him or not oddesus brings up an athletic archery contest with the prize being Penelope oddesus does this because he knows no one can beatg him in that contest
  • 1192 BCE

    The odyssey Book 21

    The odyssey Book 21
    once it's settled and the men are ready for the bow and arrow contest penolopee procedes to leave the room so the man cna pick who throws the arrow first and the winner wins her
  • 1191 BCE

    The odyssey Book 22

    The odyssey Book 22
    Odysseus killed antious in the fight oddesus also continues on too kill all of the men who wanted his wife
  • 1191 BCE

    The odyssey Book 22

    The odyssey Book 22
    oddeseus xplains that the reason he had them all killed was that they broke his laws
  • 1191 BCE

    The odyssey Book 22

    The odyssey Book 22
    athena helped oddesus by giving him an invinsble sheild whoch blocked all shots comming at him
  • 1191 BCE

    The odyssey Book 22

    The odyssey Book 22
    All of the suitors wanted oddesus down permanatley but they fsiled to win the fight
  • 1190 BCE

    The odyssey Book 23

    The odyssey Book 23
    After all of the evedince and words that oddeyus has been saying to his wife penolope shes starting to have faith that he is actually her husband
  • 1190 BCE

    The odyssey Book 23

    The odyssey Book 23
    Odysseus confronted his wife. Odysseus asks her why she is not happy and overjoyed she says shes not convined just yet if he is who he claims to be