The Odyssey

  • 1999 BCE

    The odyssey Book 5

    The odyssey Book 5
    1)Athene wants Zeus to give mercy to Odysseus, so he sends his messenger Hermes to Kalypso's islands to let Odysseus go. 2) All the gods except Poseidon gather again on Mount Olympus to discuss Odysseus’s fate. Poseidon came to stumble upon odyssey on the sea he almost drowns him the sea nymph and the Goddess Minerva odyssey survives and makes it to shore 3 calypso offered odyssey immortality if he stays despite the temptation odyssey refuses he wants to go back home to his family
  • 1200 BCE

    The odyssey Book 1

    The odyssey Book 1
    1)Oddesy was held captive by a nymph named Kalypso. She was attracted to him but when he realized when he was doing he stopped. She didn't want to let him go but he eventually does because Zeus gets involved. 2)While odyssey is gone his wife is very beautiful so many Gods want her and there telling her to forget about odyssey but she refuses
  • 1198 BCE

    The odyssey Book 9

    The odyssey Book 9
    1) The Odyssey and his men are stranded on into shore they are now in the cyclopse territory 2 Odyssey has a plan to kill a cyclopse his plan is to give him bait which the bait were some of his men in the morning odyssey will get him drunk and when he passes it they will end up slicing a stick through his only eye
    3) Odysseus tells his story Zeus sends out a huge storm leaving 6 of his men per ship dead finally, later on, they escape after Zeus horrible wrath and anger
  • 1197 BCE

    The odyssey Book 10

    The odyssey Book 10
    Odysseus and his crew sale to the home of Aeolia home of Aeolus
    king of the winds they get a pouch of strong wind they use it to speed the boat trip and now there close to there destination
    but goddess crew member opens the bag so now there offf there trail the men stay with a new nymph for a year
  • 1196 BCE

    The Odyssey book 11

    The Odyssey book 11
    Oddessey is in the land of the dead he meets up with terisies he tells him to never eat the cattle of Helios Oddesy asks the queen and king if they can help him get home they agree but only if he tells them about the land of the dead
  • 1195 BCE

    The odyssey book 12

    The odyssey book 12
    Oddesy Chooses to go around the Clashing Rocks, Odysseus then must confront either Scylla or Charybdis. She cant be defeated in battle, six of the Greeks, one for each of her hideous heads that feature triple rows with the thickset fangs. 2) Getting past Scylla and Charybdis calls leadership on the part of Odysseus. Not only must he exercise proper judgment 3)The last test of judgment in Odysseus' wanderings takes place at the island of Thrinacia, land of the Sun god Helios