
The Odyssey

  • The Cyclops

    The Cyclops
    Odysseus met a Cyclops and at his men.When the Cyclops was asleep Odysseus made a spear.Odysseus gave the Cyclops wine and the Cyclops became sleepy,Then Odysseus stabbed the Cyclops in the eye and escaped.
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  • Circe

    Odysseus sent his men to explore the island.Eurylochus ran back telling Odysseus about his crew turned into swine.Then Odysseus went to take a look.While he was walking he met Hermes,That gave him tips to defeat Circe.
  • Odysseus and the Ghosts

    Odysseus and the Ghosts
    Odysseus sacrificed a ram and a black ewe to get to the Underworld.When the ghost drank the blood and then they can talk.Odysseus was surprised when he saw his mother.Then Odysseus saw Agamemnon commander of Greek forces.
  • Scylla and the Charybdis

    Scylla and the Charybdis
    Odysseus sailed to the island of Sirens,The Sirens sang a song but Odysseus put on the special wax that Circe gave to him.Odysseus met Charybdis a monster who summons whirlpools.Then Odysseus met Scylla who is a monster who has six heads that ate six of Odysseus's men.
  • Calypso's Prisioner

    Calypso's Prisioner
    Odysseus sailed to Hyperion's island.The crew swear an oath to leave the sheep and cattle alone.Odysseus went to look for some food,then the crew ate the sheep and the cattle and Zeus zapped the ship into pieces.Calypso a nymph saved Odysseus,and was at her island for 7 years.Then Odysseus made a boat he sailed away.
  • Nausicaa

    Odysseus washed ashore at Phaeacia and met Nausicaa the princess of Phaeacia.Then Nausicaa went to prepare a meal for everyone,Odysseus ate a meal then they were off to Alcinous's palace, then they gave him with gifts. Demodocus sang about Trojan War. Alcinous asked Odysseus to tell him the story.When Odysseus was done they praised him and sent him on his way.
  • Return to Ithaca

    Return to Ithaca
    Odysseus woke up on the Ithacian shore thinking he's on a unknown shore but when he looks around then he knows he's home then Athene appeared and turned Odysseus into a beggar.Odysseus went in town and went to Eumaeus home to rest.That night he met his son Telemachus and told him he is his father.Father and son set up plan to kill the suitors
  • The Contest of the Bow and The Death of the Suitors

    The Contest of the Bow and The Death of the Suitors
    Queen Penelope set up a contest to see who can shot the bow and arrow though the axes to marry her.No one can do it put Odysseus tried and succeeded and shot Antinous the leader of the suitors.Finally Odysseus and Telemachus killed all the suitors,except Medon .