The Odyssey

  • Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Odysseus is fighting in the Trojan War
  • Period: to

    Trojan War

    Trojan War lasts 10 year
  • Cicones

    Odysseus lands in the island of Ismara and encounters the Ciconians
  • Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Odysseus' men become addicted to the Lotus
  • Cyclops

    Odysseus and his men are trapped in an island with a Cyclops but they are able to escape
  • Aeolus

    Odysseus meets Aeolus, the god of the wind, who gives him a bag full of bad winds
  • Ithaca

    The boat almost reaches Ithaca, but is blown back to Aeolus' island by the bad winds
  • Laestrygones

    Odysseus and his men are attacked by a tribe of cannibals
  • Circe

    Odysseus and his men land on the island of Aeaea, where Circe lives. She turns some of the men into pigs
  • Underworld

    Odysseus visits the underworld in order to save his men
  • Back to Circe

    Back to Circe
    Odysseusgoes back to Circes' island after visiting the underworld
  • Period: to


    Odysseus stays with Circe for a year
  • Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Odysseus' boat, sails through the two creatures and loses some men
  • Helio's Island

    Helio's Island
    Odysseus and his men land on Helios' island and eat his sacred cattle
  • Zeus' Lightning Bolt

    Zeus' Lightning Bolt
    Zeus strikes Odysseus' boat with a lightning bolt, killing all his men
  • Calypso

    Odysseus lands on Calypso's island
  • Period: to


    Odysseus lives with Circe for seven years. She lets him go beacause Zeus tells her to
  • King Alcinious

    King Alcinious
    Odysseus sails on a raft to King Alcinious' island
  • Homecoming

    Odysseus takes a boat from King Alcinious' island all the way to Ithaca