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The Odyssesy Timeline

  • Nov 11, 1188

    Odysseus finally reaches Ithaca! 1188 BC

    Odysseus finally reaches Ithaca! 1188 BC
    Odysseus finally reaches Ithaca! Now the goddess Athena has some other tasks for him before he reaches home.
  • Jan 1, 1190

    The End of the Trojan War 1190 B.C.

    The End of the Trojan War 1190 B.C.
    The Greeks including Odysseus defeated the Trojans. Odysseus and the other soldiers make their way home.
  • Jan 25, 1190

    Raiding of Ismarus 1190 BC

    Raiding of Ismarus 1190 BC
    Odysseus and his men leave Troy to the city of Ismarus where they raid it for no good reason. The next day, many of Odysseus' men is killed by a late-arriving calvary. After this, they spend three days of storms.
  • Jan 29, 1190

    Odysseus and Cicones 1190 BC

    Odysseus and Cicones 1190 BC
    Odysseus and his crew sailed on to Ismarus where they sacked the city of the Cicones. When Odysseus told them to set sail, the crewmen refused and stayed longer. Later, the Cicones broke their lines and six men out of each ship were killed.
  • Feb 8, 1190

    The Lotus Eaters 1190 BC

    The Lotus Eaters 1190 BC
    Ten days after the raiding of ismarus and the intense storms, they reached the island of the Lotus Eaters. Reaching the island of the Lotus Eaters, Odysseus sent a couple of crewmen to check out the land. The men mingled with the natives and ate some of their sweet lotus. After, they lost all thoughts of going home, but Odysseus dragged them back to the ship.
  • Feb 17, 1190

    The Great Cyclops 1190 BC

    The Great Cyclops 1190 BC
    Odysseus and his men ventured off to the cave of the cyclops where they ate their meals unaware of who's home it was. When the cyclop came back, he ate the men while the others were trapped behind a huge rock. Odysseus stabbed the cyclops in the eye which ruined his life forever; Poseidon. The time it took to sail to this island and the time they stayed on this island is unknown.
  • Mar 7, 1190

    Aeolia, home of Aeolus 1190 BC

    Aeolia, home of Aeolus 1190 BC
    Odysseus is driven to Aeolia the home of the wind god Aeolus. Aeolus gives Odysseus a bag of wind to help his journey back to Ithaca. After their departure, they sailed for ten days, however, Odysseus' men opened the bag of winds. they were swept back to King Aeolus' land.
  • Mar 17, 1190

    King Aeolus' land once again 1190 BC

    King Aeolus' land once again 1190 BC
    Odysseus and his men were blown back by the bag of winds to King Aeolus' land once again due to the greedy desires of the shpmates. Here King Aeolus believed Odysseus had done something wrong and told him to leave.
  • Mar 24, 1190

    Island of the Laestragonians

    Island of the Laestragonians
    It took seven days to reach the Laestrygonian land. Unfortunately for Odysseus and his crew, he had to land on an island of cannibals who took few of the men's lives. In the end, Odysseus and his men sailed off to the home of Circe. time it took to sail there - unknown.
  • Mar 29, 1190

    Home to Circe, Aeaea 1190 BC

    Home to Circe, Aeaea 1190 BC
    For two days and nights, Odysseus' men scavaged the land of Aeaea. A beautiful woman named Circe invites them in, however, turns them all into pigs. Odysseus remembers what Athena told him to do in order to save his men from Circe. He stayed at her house for a year.
  • Apr 5, 1191

    Odysseus in Hades, House of the Dead 1191 BC

    Odysseus in Hades, House of the Dead 1191 BC
    Odysseus visits the House of the Dead where he talks to his mother and other people that he has known throughout his lifetime. He learns a lot from the journey there that has changed him for the future. It is unkown how long it took Odysseus to get to the House of the Dead and how long he stayed.
  • Jun 5, 1191

    Circe's island once again 1191 BC

    Circe's island once again 1191 BC
    Odysseus and his men go back to Circe's island again to bury one of his crewmate's body along with Odysseus' mother, and to get more information about his journey from Circe. In the book, it says that the shipmates stayed on the island for another day. unknown - time it took to get back and to leave.
  • Aug 1, 1191

    Sirens' encounter 1191 BC

    Sirens' encounter 1191 BC
    The Sirens were something that Circe warned Odysseus to make sure his men have beeswax in their ears so they don't get tempted of the beautiful music. Odysseus was tied to a pole on the ship so that he couldn't leave. Meanwhile, the shipmates were to ignore everything he says. They quickly passed by the Sirens' island instead of staying.
  • Aug 18, 1191

    Scylla and Charybdis 1191 BC

    Scylla and Charybdis  1191 BC
    Scylla and Charybdis were horrible monsters that barracadded Odysseus' path to home, however, he fought them hard and was able to push through them. The time it took to get past them is unknown.
  • Sep 3, 1191

    Thrincia, Land of the Sungod 1191 BC

    Thrincia, Land of the Sungod 1191 BC
    Odysseus and his crew lands on a land where there is the finest cattle of the sun god, Helios. They betray Odysseus's warnings of eating the cattle and Zeus becomes angry with the Odysseus and his crew which leaves his further journey in doom. They stayed here for a little more than a month because there were no winds to blow them.
  • Nov 19, 1191

    Scylla and Charybdis again 1191 BC

    Scylla and Charybdis again 1191 BC
    Now, Odysseus alone goes through the rage of Scylla and Charbdis. Luckily he survives his encounter with the monsters barely by holding on to his ship.
  • Nov 29, 1191

    The island of Ogygia, Calyso's home 1191 BC

    The island of Ogygia, Calyso's home 1191 BC
    Surviving his encounter with the monsters, he is washed away on the island Ogygia and the goddess Calypso keeps him on the island by force. She bribes him with immortality to stay with her forever. Also, Poseidon makes sure that Odysseus will never leave the island since Odysseus blinded his son, the Cyclops', eye. He stays on Calypso's island for seven years living in sorrow and depression.
  • Mar 13, 1198

    Odysseus with the Phaecians 1198 BC

    Odysseus with the Phaecians  1198 BC
    Odysseus lands on the land of the Phaecians who kindly make him at home and will bring him back to Ithica.
  • Apr 4, 1198

    Prince Telemachus with Menelaus

    Prince Telemachus with Menelaus
    The goddess Athena commanded Prince Telemachus to journey to King Menelaus to find out information about his father.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    The Start of the Trojan War 1200 B.C

    The Start of the Trojan War 1200 B.C
    The most beautiful woman in the world Aphrodite promised Paris is Helen, but she is already married to King Menelaus, King of Sparta. The Trojan War started because of Paris abducting Helen from Sparta.
  • Nov 1, 1350

    The Judgement of Paris 1350 B.C.

    The Judgement of Paris 1350 B.C.
    When Eris threw the apple of beauty all the goddesses fought over it, but three goddesses were picked from them all; Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. No god even Zeus would want to be the judge so they chose Paris who was an unintelligent yet handsome.
  • Jan 1, 1370

    The Marriage Of Peleus and Thetis 1370 B.C.

    The Marriage Of Peleus and Thetis 1370 B.C.
    Thetis, an immortal woman, captured the eyes of Zeus with her magnificent beauty, however, it was prophesized that her son would overthrow his father. Thus, no god would marry Thetis. It was decided that she would marry an mortal man named Peleus, the son of Aecus. Eris, the goddess of discord, was unnivited to this marriage and caused the Judgement of Paris with her apple of beauty.