The North Korean Story

  • Takeing over Korea

    Takeing over Korea
    Soviet troups have tooking over the north and US took over the south.
  • Troops withdraw

    The soviet troops have withdraw.
  • Delcares Independence

    The south declared indeoendence.
  • Korea war ends

    Korea war ends
    Armistice has stoped the Korea war and it has cause 2 million people to die,
  • Huge jump in growth

    During the 1960's their was a big jump with industrial growth.
  • Plane shot down

    Plane shot down
    The US notice that their was a plane shot down.
  • Join united nations

    North and south Korea have joined the united nations.
  • Allow inspections

    North Korea made it that they will allow inspections by the IAEA.
  • kim il sung has passed away

    Kim il sung has passed away and Kim jong il has became the leader.
  • Big floods

    Famies were haveing to deal with widespread floods