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The Nazi Hunters by Jack Stutz

By 2470529
  • Adolf Eichmann The Hunter

    Adolf Eichmann The Hunter
    In 1941 Adolf Eichmann was given the job to transport jews to point A to point B. Later another commander told him to stop and to save the jews but Eichmann refused because he was scared of losing his job and his power. This proves how he wants to hunt the jews and how he is a bad guy because he had the choice to turn around and stop but he kept going.
  • Zeev The Witness

    Zeev The Witness
    Zeev is a witness because of the things that he heard. For example, He heard Adolf Eichmann say to the jews that everything is going to okay but Zeev knew that it won't be ok. This shows how he is a witness. 1 year later in 1945, he was turning yellow and that means that his liver is failing which is not good, Zeev needs to get his physical health back up in order to live. He weighed 64 pounds which is not good at all. Zeev is a witness because of the things that he had heard and seen.
  • Adolf Eichmann The One Who Is On The Run

    Adolf Eichmann The One Who Is On The Run
    On page 76 Eichmann talks about the time he spent in prisoner war camps at the end of the war but he escaped and on page 77 it says on may 31 1950 Eichmann left merano for the city of Genoa arriving at nightfall. The following day he presented himself at the local headquarters of the international committee of the red cross. This shows how Eichmann is always moving around because he is on the run.
  • Isser Harel The Chief For Intelligence

    Isser Harel The Chief For Intelligence
    Isser Harel had a job and his job was to get Eichmann and to bring him back into the country. Harel and some trouble getting him because he would keep hiding. Harel knew that he could shoot him but he knows to not because they need him for important information.
  • Fritz Bauer The General

    Fritz Bauer The General
    Fritz Bauer is helping Harel and finding Eichmann. His job was to find him as well and to bring him back into the country. On page 48 at the top Bauer says "This is simply unbelievable, he said angrily " Here we have the name Klement: Two completely independint sources, who are strangers to each other,,ention this name. Any second class policeman wuld ne able to follow such a lead. This is why he was upset
  • Sylvia Hermann The Searcher

    Sylvia Hermann The Searcher
    Sylvia Hermann got an address to Nick Eichmann's house to just see him but when she ran into the father she asks him a question. Sylvia asks him if he is the father or the uncle and he says uncle but later when nick gets home he says thank you father, Why did he say uncle instead of the father. Because He is trying to hide that he is Adolf Eichmann. So Sylvia knows that something is up.
  • Zvi Aharoni The Chief Interrogator

    Zvi Aharoni The Chief Interrogator
    After serving in the British Army, he joined the Israeli secret service and spent 20 years as a Nazi hunter. He was the Mossad agent who identified "Ricardo Klement" as Eichmann.
    Aharoni flew to Buenos Aires and tracked down the family's house in a remote neighborhood on the outskirts of town. On 19 March 1960 he spotted Eichmann. In his account of the capture, Aharoni wrote: "I saw him about two o'clock in the afternoon...a man of medium size and build, about fifty years old.
  • Adolf Eichmann The End

    Adolf Eichmann The End
    For chapter 18 on page 205 Eichmann is sentenced to death. You can tell that he is filled with anger and sadness because he knows that this is the end for him and that there is no way out of this. During the time in court he is thinking about what he could say to get him out of this situation but he was found guilty on all counts of the indictment.
  • Yakoov Gat The Finder

    Yakoov Gat The Finder
    So on page 94 Yakoov thinks that he finds Eichmann and they start chasing him.They get into their car and start driving towards him.an hour an a half later Yakoov gets out of the car to see if it was Eichmann and it was.
  • Peter Malkin The Hunter

    Peter Malkin The Hunter
    Peter Malkin was an Israeli secret agent and member of the Mossad intelligence agency. He was part of the team that captured Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in 1960 and brought him to Israel to stand trial. On page 130 at the bottom it says "Malkin burst forward one hand out to keep Eichmann's right arm down in case he had a gun" This shows how Malkin found Eichmann and got him. Also at the bottom of 130 Eichmann expresses his feelings and we can tell that he lost.
  • Adolf Eichmann A Sticky Situation

    Adolf Eichmann A Sticky Situation
    For chapter 12 Eichmann finally gets caught and he realizes that this is the end for him. He gets asked some questions and he knows that he has to answer them so he does. Sooner or later after the questions everyone knows that they caught Eichmann and that there is no escape for him. I find this cool because Eichmann a person who is very dangerous is finally giving up and has no where to go.
  • Isser Harel The Finder

    Isser Harel The Finder
    Isser Harel was the one who found Eichmann so he was taking him to places and when he showed Gurion that he captured Eichmann he wasn't so sure right away. He wanted to be 100% that this is really him. But harel knew this was him because of all the questions he asked. this is on page 189. Even others couldn't believe that its Eichmann because of how dangerous he is.
  • Simon Wiesenthal The Finder

    Simon Wiesenthal The Finder
    Wiesenthal dedicated his life to tracking down and gathering information on fugitive Nazi war criminals so that they could be brought to trial. Wiesenthal was given a list of war criminals names by the Jewish Agency for Palestine. And the name Eichmann topped the list, stating, that he was a high official of Gestapo headquarters. Wiesenthal Knew that he had to find Eichmann.