
The migration of africans

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    Domestic Slave Trade

    In this time period it wasnt consider a migration for them because they had someone else in control of there lives, and where they had to mirgate to. This was a force migartion from Africa,and united states. Reason being was because of plantation developing and insatiable demand for slave labor from expanding platation in the south.
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    Western Migration

    They migrated to the west in secrach for land, a better oppertunity, gold, and to improve their lives economically and to escape the social. the most important reason was to get far away from the Jim Crows law.
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    Heading To the North

    Industrail cities in the North, and Midwest because of the WW1, going on. With all the factories needing more workers, free southern people turned there attention to the north looking and hoping for a better change. This change America in a major way because not only did the North accept free black people they gave them a oppertunity to make sometthing of themselves, and help out with WW1, something the south would have never done.
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    The Great Migration

    The Great Migration was the movement of 6 million African Americans out of the Southern United States to the Northeast, Midwest, and West from 1910 to 1970. The years between 1910 and 1930 witnessed the first wave of the “Great Migration” of African Americans to the North. Numbering about 1.6 million migrants. the effects it had on the migration were Demographic changes, Discrimination and working conditions, Integration and segregation.
  • Returning To the South

    Returning To the South
    During this time of the nineteeth century, the south started to regain more blacks. The Jim Crow laws was put to rest and peace, and equailty was shaping the new south. reason being is because there was no segergation blacks and whites were aollowed to be in the same place together without being harrassed for being there. And till this day more and more people are still migrating to the South till this day.