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The Maze Runner

  • Arriving at the Glade

    Arriving at the Glade
    Thomas wakes up in a lift and later aririves at the Glade. He's surrounded by tons of teenage boys just like him and is curious about all his surroundings.
  • Jobs and Rules

    Jobs and Rules
    Thomas learns about the different jobs and rules that they have in the Glade. He trains in all the different jobs so the other Gladers can see where he fits best and where he works the hardest. He is given specific rules to follow, such as no one can go in the Maze uless you are given the jobs as a Runner. Although, Thomas doesn't always follow the rules he's given.
  • Teresa Arrives

    When a girl , Teresa, the first girl to ever arrive at the Glade, things begin to change. She came with a message saying that " Everything is going to change" and that she is the last Glader that will ever arrive. They all realize that they have to get out of the Maze as soon as possible.
  • Thomas goes in Maze

    Thomas goes in the Maze to save Alby and Minho from the Grievers. Right when he went in the Maze, the doors shut right behind him so he had no choice but to be in the Maze over night. Luckily, Thomas was able to save them and brought them back to the Glade. Even though it was against the rules for Thomas to go in the Maze, the Gladers thought he did the right thing so they elected him as a Runner for his hard work to get Alby and Minho out of the Maze safely.
  • Understanding of Maze

    Thomas believes that he can find a way out and understands the purpose of the Maze. He insists that he has a plan and explains it to the Gladers.
  • Finding Clues

    Thomas and Teresa look to find clues and messages throughout the Glade that can help make their way out. They look through the Maze and see if there is anything that can help them escape.
  • Chuck Dies

    Chuck dies while trying to fight with the Grievers. Galley throws a knife at Thomas, but then Chuck jumped out in front of Thomas and is killed. Thomas then attacks and beats Gally mercilessly.
  • Shutting off Grievers

    Thomas thinks that shutting off the Grievers will be the best way to get them out of the Glade, since they have harmed them in the past. He goes in the Hole to press the different buttons to shut them off, by using the previous codes the Gladers discovered.
  • Rescuers Help

    Finally, rescuers come and save the Gladers and help them find a way out of the Maze. They want to make sure they can get home safely.