The Major Events of the 1920's

  • The 18th Amendment is passed

    The 18th Amendment is passed
    Congress ratified the 18th Amendment which banned the manufacturing, sale and transport of alcoholic beverages. This didn't make the consumption of alcohol illegal. However, a year later Prohibition began.
  • Jazz is developed

    Jazz is developed
    Jazz was a music genre created by the African-American communities in New Orleans develops from roots in blues and ragtime.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    In the 1920's, African Americans moved out of the South and into the North due to poor economic conditions as well as racial segregation and discrimination.
  • The Radio

    The Radio
    During the 1920's the radio started to become more popular with 60% of the United States households having radios.
  • 19th Amendment is Passed

    19th Amendment is Passed
    The 19th Amendment gave women age 21 and up the right to vote.,
  • Warren G. Harding elected president

    Warren G. Harding elected president
    On November 3, 1920, Warren Harding, a Republican, won the presidential race against James Cox. Warren Harding won because of his slogan "Return to Normalcy" while also having a pro business approach.
  • Model T.

    Model T.
    In 1923, the Ford Model T sold for $364. Being affordable because it was sold at $364. During 1923, Ford sold more than 2 million Model T's.
  • President Harding dies and Coolidge becomes President

    President Harding dies and Coolidge becomes President
    President Coolidge tried to fix Harding's mistakes. Introducing the laissez faire, which stated a business would work a certain way that would benefit the nation. Also, Coolidge was called a isolationist, because he wanted to stay out of other nations' problems except for self-defense.
  • KKK is reborn

    KKK is reborn
    The KKK discriminated against the black race; the KKK became really strong in many Southern and non Southern States. The KKK were originated in Southern Indiana and by 1924 they had 1.4 million members.
  • Two women elected governor

    Two women elected governor
    On November 4, 1924 two women made history. Miriam A. Ferguson, of Texas, and Nellie Tayloe Ross, of Wyoming, became the first two women governors elected in the United States.
  • John Scopes creates a national conflict

    John Scopes creates a national conflict
    John Scopes, a Tennessee teacher, was teaching evolution when he got in trouble because there was a recent bill passed wich made it illegal, creating a national conflict.
  • Lindbergh Flies across the Atlantic

    Lindbergh Flies across the Atlantic
    Lindbergh, was the first person to fly across the Atlantic, without stopping. The only reason why he did it because he heard there was a 25,000 dollar reward for anyone who attempted to fly across the Atlantic.
  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth
    Babe Ruth was the first and only baseball player to ever achieve 60 home runs in a single season
  • First Motion Picture with Taking

    First Motion Picture with Taking
    "The Jazz Singer" was the first full length motion picture with talking, sounds, and songs.
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    Amelia Earhart was an American aviation pioneer and author. She was the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact is Signed

    Kellogg-Briand Pact is Signed
    The Kellogg Briand Pact was signed by 15 nations which states these nations would not make war with one another unless it is for self-defense.
  • Walt Disney

    Walt Disney
    Steamboat Willie, created by Walt Disney, was the first sound cartoon ever, which introduced Mickey Mouse, who would become a famous cartoon Character, even to this day.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    The Great Depression began with "Black Thursday" where over 16 million shares were quickly sold by panicking investors who had lost faith in the American economy.