Cover page

The Life Of Wilbur Wright

  • Family

    Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867, near Millville, Indiana, the middle child in a family of five children. His father, Milton Wright, was a bishop in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. His mother was Susan Catherine Koerner Wright. As a child, Wilbur's playmate was his younger brother, Orville, born in 1871
  • First Aircraft

    Wilbur and his brother built there the first aircraft, a rubberband powered helicoptor called the "Bat"
  • They start a print bisiness while they are still in school

    They start they own print bisiness in there home town. they use it to make the paper for the home town
  • Taking an Interest

    Wilbur and his brother started to take an interest into the aircraft problem.
  • Devises an aerodynamic control system for aircraft

    Wilbur devises an aerodynamic control system for aircraft and builds a kite to test it.
  • Sharing the plane

    In France, he made many public flights and gave rides to officials, journalists, and statesmen.
  • First free, controlled flight

    Wright brothers succeeded in making the first free, controlled flight of a power-driven airplane. Wilbur flew the plane for 59 seconds over a distance of 852 feet.
  • selling the plane

    The Wrights became huge celebrities there, hosted by royals and heads of state, and constantly featured in the press. The Wrights began to sell their airplanes in Europe, and then returned to the United States in 1909.
  • wealth

    The brothers went on to become wealthy businessmen, filling contracts for airplanes in both Europe and the United States. Today, the Wright brothers are considered the "fathers of modern aviation."
  • Legacy

    Wilbur fell ill on a trip to Boston in April 1912. After being diagnosed with typhoid fever, he died on May 30, 1912, at his family home in Dayton, Ohio.