
The Interwar Years: Important Events

  • Period: to

    Important Events of The Interwar Years

  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations
    The League of Nations was an international organization that strived on promoting world peace and cooperation. It was created by the treaty of Versailles (1919); and ended on April 1946.
    Significance: The league of Nations was significant because it was created for the sole purpose of ensuring world peace and stopping wars.
  • The Japanese Invasion of Manchurin

    The Japanese Invasion of Manchurin
    The Japanese Invasion of Manchurin was an attempt by the Japanese Empire to gain control of the whole province in hopes of eventually controlling all of east Asia. At this time the Japanese empire was competing with the United States for geographical domination.
    Significance: This was one of the causes of World War II
  • Hitlers Program of Rearmament

    Hitlers Program of Rearmament
    During Hilters Program of Rearment, Hitler had many goals he wished to achieve. He wanted to undo the treaty of versailles. (A treaty that was signed after world war I) He wanted to re-unite all all Germans into one nation. Although he made it very clear that Jewish people and East Europeans had no place in the europe he dreamed of. Most importantly he wanted to rearm Germany, this was a strict violation of the treaty of versailles.
    Significance: One of the causes of world war I
  • The Invasion of Abyssinia

    The Invasion of Abyssinia
    Italy invaded Abyssinia based on the accusations that the Abyssinians were agreesive at an oasis.
    Significance: It drove Nazis germany and fascist Italy together for the first time. It also highlighted the weakness of the League of Nations.
  • The reoccupation of Rhineland

    The reoccupation of Rhineland
    The treaty of versailles stated that no German military was allowed in Rhineland. This was broken on March 7 1936 when Hitler ordered the Nazi amry to march through Rhineland.
    Significance: The reoocupation of Rhine land was very significant because this is the first time Germany openly going out against/breaking the versialles treaty.
  • The Spanish civil war

    The Spanish civil war
    The spanish civil war was a war between the republicans (those who were loyal to the spanish republic) and the nationalists (a rebel group led by Francisco Franco) Spain was left militarily and politically divided. In 1939 the nationalists won and Franco ruled spain for the next 6 years.
    Significance: The opening battle of world war II
  • Anschluss With Austria

    Anschluss With Austria
    Hitlers goals included re-uniting Germany. He began this by uniting (Anschluss) with Austria.
    Significance: This was hitlers first successful step in re-uniting Germany.
  • The Invasion of Czechoslovakia by Germany

    The Invasion of Czechoslovakia by Germany
    On march 16,1939 German forces marched into the remainder of Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia was powerless to resist Germany.
    Significance: By Germany taking over Czechoslovakia they broke the munich agreement. This caued the countries involved to no longer trust Germany.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact. This guaranteed the two countries would not attack each other.
    Significance: Germany was now protected from having to fight a two-front war.
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    In the Munich conference Hitler met with representatives from France, U.K, and Italy. An agreement was made that Hitler could annex the Sudetenland if he promised not to invade anywhere else. All four countres signed the agreement.
    Significance: This is significant because an agreement was made stating that Hitler couldnt invade anywhere else securing the other countries saftey.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The invasion of Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union, and a small slovak contingent. Significance: marked the begining of world war II