The Holocaust - 3rd Period

By Em1781
  • Jan 1, 1500

    ZA frist jewish relocation cities

    ZA frist jewish relocation cities
    Ghettos basecaiily isolated Jews by separating Jewish communities from the non-Jewish population and from other Jewish communities.The first Jew relocation center was called the ghettoes the first ghetto was actually built in before WWII. in fact the first ghetto was built in Vince in 1516 followed by cities like Frankfurt, Rome, Prague, and other cities in the 16th and 17th centuries. ( They died down in the 18th century.)
  • Period: May 6, 1500 to

    Jews Relocatio

  • Antisemitism

    In 1879, German journalist Wilhelm Marr originated the term antisemitism, defining the hatred of Jews.The word antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews.
  • Nazi Party Created in 1919

    Nazi Party Created in 1919
    Adolf Hitler created the nazi party in 1919 because they were antisemitism. Later the holocaust was created.
  • 25 point party program

    25 point party program
    Nazi party members publicly declared their intention to segregate Jews from "Aryan" society and to abrogate Jews' political, legal, and civil rights.
  • euthanasian camps were a rehearsal

    euthanasian camps were a rehearsal
    These cames, were just a practice for what they were going to do in the other camps. It let them see what they neede and what they dont.
  • First Consentration Camp is Established

    First Consentration Camp is Established
    Targeted and sent away many people including Political Opponets (Solicalist, Democrats, communists), Different races, Many of different religious views, the disabled, and also persecuted Authors and artists .
  • Reasons for the Holocaust

    Reasons for the Holocaust
    The persecution and murder of Jews in Germany by the Nazi's, is history’s biggest example of antisemitism. The Holocaust killed millions and lasted for 12 years.
  • Hilter's power starts

    Hilter's power starts
    As chancellor, Hitler begins the foundation of the Nazi party. This brings an end to the Quasi-Democratic system of presidential rule.
  • when they started

    when they started
    These camps didnt take long to start. They started not long after hitler go voted chancellor. he got voted chancellor in january of 1933
  • concentratrion camp conditions

    concentratrion camp conditions
    the conditions of these camps were harsh.they were not good living conditons for any person. the camps turned into labor camps.
  • Nazi has control

    Nazi has control
    Nazi's had control of culture, economy, education, and law. This was only one month after Hitler recieved power.
  • "Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service"

    "Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service"
    The new Civil Service Law was the German authorities' first formulation of the so-called Aryan Paragraph, a kind of regulation used to exclude Jews (and often by extension other "non-Aryans") from organizations, professions, and other aspects of public life.
  • Restriction towards Jews

    Restriction towards Jews
    German authorities began eliminating Jews from government positions, law, and thier cultural life. The German authorities achieved this by using the Civil Service Law of April 1933. The Nazi's also abolished trade unions. Many employers were forced into the German Labor Front which was run by the Nazis.
  • camp controllers

    camp controllers
    The camps of course were noy unatteneded. at first he SA or stormtroopers.these were the elite guard of all the nazi germans.they are ethe ones that kept control of thge camps at first
  • the meaning

    the meaning
    usually means good death, but in this case the nazis used it as euthenistic whch means murderist death
  • Hitler's power increases

    Hitler's power increases
    Resulting from Hinderburg's death, Hitler made himself both Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor. With that power and no one to stop him, he made the Armed Forces swear an oath of loyalty to him.
  • All Killed and used in Labor camps

    From 1935-1945
  • The Nuremburg Laws

    The Nuremburg Laws
    The Nuremburg Laws heralded a new wave of antisemetic legislation that brought immediate segregation Jewish patients were no longer admitted to municipal hospitals in Düsseldorf, German court judges could not cite legal commentaries or opinions written by Jewish authors, Jewish officers were not allowed in th army, and Jewish university students were not allowed to sit for doctoral exams.
  • Only germany ruled

    Only germany ruled
    At first it wasnt just germany ruling the camp,but finally people only authorized germany to run them.In 1938 germany was the only country authorized to incarcetrate.
  • Nazi Torturing Jews

    Nazi Torturing Jews
    On November 9, 1938, the Nazis destroyed synagogues and the shop windows of Jewish stores throughout Germany. They also had book burnings.
  • Kristallnacht

    The physical outbreak of cealing the jews from the germans . The Jews were officially hated . Many Jewish homes and industries were destroyed and burned to the ground.
  • Deaths Of Jews

    From the moment they got to the camps most of the jews die. They usually died in gas chambers that looked like gas chambers. It was full of pure carbon monxide gas, which was quick and painless.
  • Type of people killed

    The most often killed in the camps were children and the elderly. They decided to kill children because they didnt weant to deal with them. other reasons they killed these people are because they couldnt work.
  • Frist jew Relocation cites in WWII

  • Relocation cites in WWII ZA

    Relocation cites in WWII ZA
    During WWII the Germens established the first ghetto in Poland, and contuided to grow until there was over 1000 ghettoes in the land they occupied
  • Auschwitz

    The biggest killing center of the Nazi regime. Containing three poison gas chambers. The killing center had three camps on the boundary. Approximately 1.1 million people were killed at Auschwitz.
  • Dutch Stike

    Dutch Stike
    Dutch Citezines hold strikes against mistreatment of Jews
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solutionwas a plan to murder all European Jews beginning in late 1941, the Germans destroyed all the ghettos. The Germans either shot ghetto residents in mass graves located nearby or deported them, usually by train, to killing centers where they were murdered
  • ZA The Einsatzgruppen march

    ZA The Einsatzgruppen march
    the Einsatzgruppen followed the German army as it advanced deep into Soviet territory
  • ZA Death of all, Einsatzgruppen

    ZA Death of all, Einsatzgruppen
    wherever the Einsatzgruppen went, they shot Jewish men, women, and children without regard for age or sex, and buried them in mass graves.
  • ZA New Technology, Einsatzgruppen

    ZA New Technology, Einsatzgruppen
    Heinrich Himmler, noting the psychological burden that mass shootings produced on his men, requested that a more convenient mode of killing be developed. The result was the gas van, a mobile gas chamber surmounted on the chassis of a cargo truck which employed carbon monoxide from the truck's exhaust to kill its victims. Gas vans made their first appearance on the eastern front in late fall 1941, and were eventually utilized, along with shooting, to murder Jews and other victims in most areas wh
  • Massacre

    September 1941 units of Einsatzgruppe detachment 4a massacred 33,771 Kiev Jews in the ravine at Babi Yar Of the four units, Einsatzgruppe D operated farthest south. Its personnel carried out massacres in the southern Ukraine and the Crimea
  • Chelmno the First Killing Center

    Chelmno the First Killing Center
    Chelmno the first killing center or death camp opened in december of 1941. The first stationary poison gas camp. The killing center Chelmno killed about 152,000 people between December 1941 and March 1943.
  • Nazi Governer Killed By Czech Agent

    Nazi Governer Killed By Czech Agent
    In May a Czech angent killed a Nazi Governer. This was an early display of non-jewish rebellion
  • US Careless of protecting Jews

    US Careless of protecting Jews
    The united states wasnt very interested in the holocaust. They didnt care for protecting the jews.
  • reason for pursuit

    reason for pursuit
    Nazis belived in 'the perfect race'. They belived that jews, disabled, and pepole who assotiate themselves with them should be wiped from the face of the earth. It became the Nazi's goal to exteminate all of them.
  • The Declaration

    The Declaration
    On this day, the United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain issued the first declaration officially noting the mass murder of European Jews. They wanted their countries to know what really happened. They did not want to hide anything from all the people.
  • Death Total Einsatzgruppen ZA

    Death Total Einsatzgruppen  ZA
    spring of 1943, the Einsatzgruppen and Order Police battalions had killed over a million Soviet Jews and tens of thousands of Soviet political commissars, partisans, Roma, and institutionalized disabled persons.
  • Jews in Warsaw fight against Germans

    Jews in Warsaw fight against Germans
    Jews in warsaw ghetto rose in armed revolt after rumors that the Germans would deport the remaining ghetto inhabitants to the Treblinka killing center. As German SS and police units entered the ghetto, members of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) and other Jewish groups attacked German tanks. Although the Germans, were able to end the major fighting within a few days, it took the German forces nearly a month before they were able to completely pacify the ghetto and deport all of the Jews
  • operation reinhard killing centers

    operation reinhard killing centers
    In the Operation Reinhard killing centers, the SS and their auxiliaries killed approximately 1,526,500 Jews between March 1942 and November 1943.
  • Rescue into Sweeden

    Rescue into Sweeden
    In early October 1943 Danish resistance organized a plan with local fishermen to ferry Jews across into neutral Sweeden. They ended up saving 7,200 Jews out of the total 7,800 Jews.
  • Jews resist

    Jews resist
    In the middle of 1943 thousands of young Jews escaped from the ghettos to the forest. They joined forces with the Soviet partisan units or formed separate partisan units to harass the Germans. Although many Jewish council members cooperated with the Germans until they were deported, some resisted by refusing to comply when the Germans ordered him to hand over Jews for deportation.
  • Jewish prisioners fight back at Death Camps

    Jewish prisioners fight back at Death Camps
    Armed with stolen weapons, prisioners at Treblinka, Sobibor, and Auschwitz-Birkenau attacked the SS staff and the guards. The Germans killed most of the rebels, while or after the rebellion. These three camp uprises happened August 1943 (Teblinka), October 1943 (Sobibor), and October 1944 (Auschwitz-Birkenau).
  • Planed on deporting danish jews

    Planed on deporting danish jews
    The German police came up with an opperation planned to deport the deport the danish jews. A German buisnessman found out anfd warned the authorities.
  • The Moscow Declaration

    The Moscow Declaration
    The Moscow Declaration was released on this day. It stated that at the time, people responsible for war crimes would be sent back to the country where the crimes were committed. There, they would be judged by the laws there. If the law said that they would be sentenced to death, then they would.
  • Jewish leaders ask for help

    Jewish leaders ask for help
    The jews asked the United States if they would bomb the gas chambers and rail lines before they had to be sent there. The U.S. athorities decided not to so they could stay out of trouble themselves.
  • G.A.G.C. Destroyed

    G.A.G.C. Destroyed
    Permitted Soviet forces to overrun the first of the major concentration camps. Shortly afterwards all prisoners in concentration camps were ordered to be evacuated to the interior of the Reich.
  • Roman Prisoners Rebel SS

    Roman Prisoners Rebel SS
    In May, 1944 Roman Prisoners refused when ordered by SS to march to another camp. Armed with axes and knives forced SS to back off.
  • G.A.G.C. Destroyed

    Summer Offensive destroys G.A.G.C.
  • Failed Assassination of Hitler

    Failed Assassination of Hitler
    In july of 1944 there was an attempt to kill Adolf Hitler but it failed. There would be many other attempts to follow.
  • Germans burned down the first camp

    Germans burned down the first camp
    The Germans went to one of the concentration camps in Lublin, Poland and burned it down. They wanted to hide the evidence of the mass murder that occurred there.
  • Polish Home Army Revolts

    Polish Home Army Revolts
    In the August of 1944 the Polish Home Army revolted against the mistreatment of Jews. This shows that not oly those effected by the mistreatment care about those who are.
  • WRB established

    WRB established
    After president Rosevelt was elected he established the WRB (War Refugee Board). It was established to rescue imperiled refugees. Although 4/5 of the jews were alredy dead.
  • Third Reich stood on the verge of military defeat.

    Most of German East Prussia was already under soviet control. Soviet forces prepared to push Germany back to the center of Reich
  • Destroyed Camps

    Destroyed Camps
    The Germans went to Aushwitz and burned the death camp located there. This was the largest extermination and concentration camp.They also found personal belongings of the many people that had been there.
  • Prisoner Resistance seizes control

    Prisoner Resistance seizes control
    An underground prisoner reistance organization seized control of the camp called Buchenwald. They wanted to prevent more terrible accidents by retreating the camp guards there. Many children had just been forced to leave before the reistance came.
  • Soviet vs. U.S. at Toragu

    German forces surrender. Declared victory of Europe day.
  • Roma and male homosexuals are targeted.

    Roma and male homosexuals are targeted.
    The Nazis also targeted the Roma, (gypsies) and homosexuals because tving the perfect racethey were seen as being 'in the way' of having the perfect race. Many pepole who refused to jion hitler were also being hunted.
  • German forces surrender in the west.

    German forces surrender in the west.
    U.S. wins the battlle.
  • All the different people killed

    All the different people killed
    Many different races and religions were killed in concentration camps from 1935-1945. Nazis targeted Roma (gypsies) and deported 20,000 to Auschwitz-Birkenau camp where most were murdered in gas chambers. Between 1939-1945 they deported about 1.5 million polish for forced labor during the war and it is known that about 1.9 million non-jewish polish citizens. They killed about 200,000 people with mental or physical abilities. In all they've killed millions.
  • The Final Solution ZA

    The Final Solution ZA
    The Final Solution Was a plan to muder European Jews) beginning in late 1941, the Germans destroyed the ghettos. The Germans either shot ghetto residents in mass graves located nearby or deported them, usually by train, to killing centers where they were murdered. German authorities deported a small minority of Jews from ghettos to forced-labor camps and concentration camps
  • The Trials

    The Trials
    This event took place between the years 1945 and 1946. The International Military Tribunal (IMT) had put twenty-two major war criminals on trial. They were tried for charges of crimes agasint peace, war, humanity, and conspiracy to commit the crimes. Twelve men were sentenced to death, while others were put in prison.
  • Jews want to take action

    Jews want to take action
    Many getto jews saw that they could stop the Nazis, so they organized themselves for revolt. Many were willing to fight for the cahos to end.