The history of the human being

  • 5000 BCE

    ancestro comun

    ancestro comun
    5 or 6 million years ago
    “Ancestro común” is their name. They used to be and walk like monkeys. Their brains were too small, so they weren’t intelligent.
  • 1500 BCE

    homo erectus

    homo erectus
    1.5 million years ago
    Homo erectus walked better in two feet, and their cerebellums’ size was good.
  • 400 BCE

    homo neanderthalensis

    homo neanderthalensis
    400 thousand years ago
    Homo neanderthalensis were the first humans beings that could communicate between them.
  • 250 BCE

    homo sapiens

    homo sapiens
    250 thousand years ago
    Homo sapiens’ cerebrums were like ours, but a bit smaller. They walked more or less properly.
  • 100 BCE

    homo sapiens sapiens

    homo sapiens sapiens
    100 thousand years ago
    Homo sapiens sapiens are the humans of nowaday. We walk straight and our brain is perfect.
  • homo habillis

    homo habillis
    2.5 million years ago
    Homo habilis are considered the first humans. Their cerebrums were 30% bigger than the Australopithecus’ brains.
  • australopithecus

    4 million years ago
    Australopithecus’ size was like gorillas. They could walk in two feet. Their brains were a little bit bigger, but they weren’t clever.