The history of the earth

  • Period: 4570 BCE to 541 BCE


    -Guide fossil: stromatolites (cyanobacteria)
    -Geological event: The lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere are formed and the earth had an early origin and evolution
    -Climate event: The level of salt in the seas increased notably, atmospheres evolved from the primitive atmosphere to the oxygen-rich atmosphere
    -Marine environment
  • 541 BCE

    1st life forms→ 4:10 h

    1st life forms→ 4:10 h
    Unicellular life
  • 541 BCE

    1st most complex life forms→ 9:07 h

    1st most complex life forms→ 9:07 h
    multicellular life
  • Period: 541 BCE to 252 BCE


    -Guide fossil:Trilobites (arthropods).
    -Geological event: Big explosion of life.
    -Climate event: Greenhouse effect, great volcanic activity and formation of the super continent Pangeas.
    -Marine and land environment
  • 252 BCE

    Great explosion of life→ 21:10 h

    Great explosion of life→ 21:10 h
    The most intense burst of evolution ever known and the explosion saw an incredible diversity of live emerge.
  • 252 BCE

    Age of the fish→ 21:37 h

    Age of the fish→ 21:37 h
    The first fish did not have jaw and over the years they evolved with a jaw, fins, etc.
  • 252 BCE

    First terrestrial plants (gymnosperms) → 21:48 h

    First terrestrial plants (gymnosperms) → 21:48 h
    These first plants did not have flowers but did have seeds, that is, they reproduced through these
  • 252 BCE

    Amphibian age → 22:13 h

    Amphibian age → 22:13 h
    These amphibians were dominant and had functional lungs and bony, lobed fins that supported the body.
  • Period: 252 BCE to 66 BCE


    -Guide fossil: ammonites (cephalopod mollusk).
    -Geological event: The Atlantic Ocean originates and the continents begin to separate.
    -Climate event: There are no glaciations due to the warm climate
    -Land and marine environment
  • 66 BCE

    Age of the reptiles → 22:43 h

    Age of the reptiles → 22:43 h
    A small group of amphibians gave rise to reptiles, this supposed a great terrestrial colonization because the reptiles adapted to any habit either by their escapes on their skin, etc.
  • 66 BCE

    1st angiosperms→ 23:22 h

    1st angiosperms→ 23:22 h
    Gymnosperm plants gave rise to angiosperm plants, that is with flowers and reproduce through pollen.
  • Period: 66 BCE to 2021 BCE


    -Guide fossil: nummundites (foraminifera)
    -Geological event: completion of continental drift
    -Climate event: decrease in temperatures and last glaciations (ice age)
    -Land environment
  • 64 BCE

    Age of the birds→ 23:39 h

    Age of the birds→ 23:39 h
    The first birds appeared from flying dinosaurs
  • 2 BCE

    1st hominids→ 23:53 h

    1st hominids→ 23:53 h
    The first hominids were characterized by their upright posture and bipedal locomotion
  • 2 BCE

    1st Homo sapiens→ 23:59 h

    1st Homo sapiens→ 23:59 h
    Homo sapiens are characterized mainly by bipedal position, cranial configuration, greater brain capacity, decreased jaw size, and less muscle mass.