Music note 7

The History Of Music

  • recorded music with vocals

    recorded music with vocals
    By 700 BCE there are records of songs that include vocals with instrumentals.
  • when music began

    when music began
    Music began around 500 B.C. when Pythagoras experimentd with acoustics
  • When music moved outside the church

    When music moved outside the church
    Towards the end of the Middle Ages about the 12th and 13th centuries, music began to move outside the church and into everyday life
  • The earliest forms of musical instruments

    The earliest forms of musical instruments
    The earliest forms of music were probably drum-based, percussion instruments being the most readily available at the time (i.e. rocks, sticks).
  • Trumpet was developed

    Trumpet was developed
    In Denmark, by 2500 BCE an early form of the trumpet had been developed. This trumpet is what is now known as a "natural trumpet." It is valveless, and depends completely on manipulation of the lips to change pitch.
  • The Guitar

    The Guitar
    One of the most popular instruments today, the guitar, was created in 1500 BCE by the Hittites.
  • The first piece of recorded music

    The first piece of recorded music
    In 800 BCE the first recovered piece of recorded music was found. It was written in cuneiform and was a religious hymn.
  • the first record ever made

    the first record ever made
    It was made on April 9, 1860 and it is of a woman singing the French folk song “Claire de la lune”.
  • The first CD ever made in the USA

    The first CD ever made in the USA
    the first CD made in the United States for commercial release was Bruce Springsteen's 1984 album, "Born in the U.S.A."
  • history's first rock concert

    history's first rock concert
    The Moondog Coronation Ball